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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. Pretty sure Abe Lincoln wasn't the first to say the words four, score or seven years but I wouldn't put them together in a speech and try to pass it off as my own. The biggest story is not that she practically copied the speech word for word it's Trump's camphain people trying to deny it ever happened.
  2. I'm like a vintage wine that grows in depth and complexity with each passing day. I'm like a sunrise on a brisk autumn morning , a fresh rain on a warm summer's day you on the other hand more of stanky cheep beer on a saturday night .
  3. I saw Pat Robertson today saying it was every evangelicals duty to vote for Donald Trump.
  4. So what is this a beauty contest, are we electing our next president or a trophy first lady ?
  5. Donald Trump Jr., announced the support of New York, their home state, during a roll-call vote at the Republican National Convention. https://www.yahoo.com/news/republicans-nominate-trump-day-devoted-economy-101119424.html
  6. Apparently it runs in the family... Ivanka Trump Is Being Sued for Allegedly Stealing Shoe Designs http://fortune.com/2016/06/23/ivanka-trump-shoe-designs/
  7. I was just disappointed they decided not to go with the pole dance.
  8. Before you go all Hatfield and McCoys maybe you should talk to the Sheriff's dept.
  9. I'm certain this was Obama's fault.
  10. Sorry maybe it was the "ass whooping" part that threw me.
  11. You know they say there is always three sides to every story, yours, mine and the truth. Before you go out killing someone maybe you should hear all sides. jmo
  12. Good But I've seen better.
  13. In all fairness her training is in architecture not speech writing. Melania Trump’s professional biography says the wife of presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump began modeling at age 16, but she only began working full-time after obtaining a degree. She graduated “in design and architecture at University in Slovenia,” according to the bio as of Monday night It’s a good story, but it doesn’t appear to be true. Melania Trump never earned a university degree in architecture ― she dropped out of college after her freshman year, according to her biographers. Still,
  14. Apparently Melania Trump also had a ghostwriter for her monday night speech.
  15. You missed Ivanka Trump's inspiring speech on her struggles and victories in the world of fashion and beauty. May have been the best speaker of the night. Not to say Donald's WWE like grand stage entrance wasn't terrific.
  16. Republicans being the 'Big Tent' party that they are included the LGBT community in their platform. "At their convention this week, Republicans are set to approve a particularly anti-LGBT platform. It calls for overturning marriage equality, banning same-sex parenting, restricting transgender people’s access to bathrooms, and ensuring parents can force harmful conversion therapy on their LGBT kids. Party leaders, however, deny that it’s anti-LGBT at all." http://thinkprogress.org/lgbt/2016/07/18/3799245/mary-fallin-republican-platform/
  17. I don't know I'm kinda enjoying watching him play you like a yo-yo.
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