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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. Where do they get cops these days and what the hell are they teaching them in training ? It's didn't use to be this way. Maybe a few less PTSD damaged ex military and a little less emphasis on putting as many bullets into a suspect in the least amount of time might be in order ?
  2. It also made the massive kill off of buffalo herds possible. Virtually starving to death thousands upon thousands of native americans.
  3. Insurance companies decide everyday whether or not you get a new hip, if you get lifesaving surgery or if they will or will not pay for medication. They make these decisions based cost effectiveness and not your overall health.Insurance companies have entire departments dedacated to nothing but finding ways to deny care, now with preexisting condishions off the table thanks to the ACA it's not as easy for them as before but theyre still there working just as hard as ever.
  4. " So you want to be my latex salesman, what sort of experience or training do you have ?" "Well sir, I read a book that I checked out at the library." "Excellent when can you start ?"
  5. Good for you GD it is an accomplishment worth being proud of, but what you have managed in your life is not the answer for everyone at least in the short term, families cannot go for months or years without food or a roof over their heads waiting for that big break or promotion to happen it takes family support that many do not have and yes some do not have the mental capacity some have been stepped on for so long they no longer have the energy. All they feel they can hope for is a job at some place like Walmart . But all this is moot we are talking about 70 million struggling people here, how
  6. No I don't think you get it at all. If you did you could put yourself in someone else's shoes for a moment. Families who have bills to pay and kids to feed people who are living from paycheck to paycheck cannot take off a year or two to go back to school and couldn't pay for if they could that's not lazy that's reality. Correct me if I'm wrong but I remember not long ago you were out of work I'm glad you recovered, funny how a little money in your pocket can make you forget. Everyone can't go to Ga.Tech millions cannot even afford to go to a technical school. Not everyone is looking for free s
  7. And there lies the problem. When you have deficits out of control and senators who refuse to budge on closing that military base the pentagon says it is no longer needed or tanks it does not want built in some small town in Ohio when billions can be saved but to stay in office senators and congressmen must bring home the bacon what usually happens is they turn on those who would be least likely to cause them a reelection like the poor or the disabled, programs like science and education suffer . When some whose conscience cannot imagine starving children or people dying for lack of medical car
  8. Then in an economy who has seen all of it's decent paying manufacturing business lost and jobs scarce what is it mean for. Because with so many forced to work for these wages it it seems to be a way reward people that have more with cheap products at the expense of others. Like it or not, agree with it or not, you can turn your nose up at people at the bottom of the economic ladder but when you drive these millions of people to the point of hunger and you're going to think Ferguson was a church social.
  9. I can see both sides of this, the one thing I take issue with is this "if they don't like it get another job" thing. Walmart operates in a lot of small towns, their business model seems to be move in, undercut the competition, mostly the mom and pop stores that cannot compete to the point of driving them out. At this point they have the town held hostage either shop with them or do without, either work for them or pack your bags and leave. I don't know if this is still true but Walmart is or was the largest employer in the United States to say all these people are idiots is wrong to say the g
  10. I read somewhere that people that do foundation repair, companies like Aqua Guard have a method of pumping something under a drive and raising it.I don't know if it's cheap but maybe worth looking into. http://www.aquaguard.net/concrete-leveling-and-replacement/
  11. Don't be shallow Hal. Unless you have been living under a rock for the last twenty years you know as well as I do Republicans and their Tea Party cousins have become more racist, divisive, more radical and just generally more of an obstacle to progress in this country since Reagan, not that he was a progressive by any measure he was a disaster as President he should have been impeached for Iran/Contra alone and if he hadn't been so lucky to be in office when our economy began to turn around after a mild recession he most likely would have. I couldn't help noticing a photography majo
  12. Reagan Would Be Laughing Stock Of GOP Todayhttps://mic.com/articles/1702/reagan-would-be-laughing-stock-of-gop-today#.kZQN3r4E5
  13. Ronald Reagan's Republican party and today's Republican party are as different as night and day.
  14. Strange bedfellows indeed. During the Republican convention Trump insisted on having a 'hands off' policy concerning the Ukraine included in the Republican platform. Now we are learning a possible explanation of why his campaign people would want this so badly . So unlike the imaginary Clinton uranium deal here we have the real deal. Trump campaign guts GOP’s anti-Russia stance on Ukraine The Trump campaign worked behind the scenes last week to make sure the new Republican platform won’t call for giving weapons to Ukraine to fight Russian and rebel forces, contradicting the view
  15. You use descriptions like 'demo socialist' libtards and communist to attack the people that don't share your agenda and then whine about being attacked. You remind me of the playground bully that goes running to the teacher when someone finally pops him in the head with a baseball bat. Yes Daddy you've told the story to nauseum . I keep expecting to hear the story of how you walked to school barefoot all while supporting your poor mother working in the salt mines at night, don't you ever tire of tooting your own horn ? Fact is you like your daughter were blessed to be born into a well off
  16. Get yourself a REAL GOOD Lock.
  17. Your pension does not concern me in the slightest. What does is hypocrisy, like El Chapo's outrage at the idea of letting ordinary citizens go to a public university free of charge or the idea of universal healthcare. All benefits he enjoys today simply because his job for twenty years required wearing a uniform.
  18. Well, well, well I see you and El Zorro have something in common. When it comes to getting government benefits you only seem to become outraged when someone else is getting the check. Aren't you worried that all this double dipping is going to bankrupt the country ? Don't think so ?... "The Pentagon soon will spend more on health care and other benefits for former military personnel than on the men and women fighting today's conflicts, according to a new study." http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2012/06/12/military-soon-will-pay-more-for-former-soldiers-than-current-ones "Alth
  19. Definition of oxymoron a combination of words that have opposite or very different meanings. Example; Military Intelligence
  20. Have you thought of a title for your paper ? How about " Why society would be better served if only the rich were allowed a higher education."
  21. There's something I believe wholeheartedly : Cynicism is the true refuge of the pseudo-intellectual, cynicism is easy. Joy is an advanced spiritual and intellectual tenet. -Craig Ferguson
  22. Judging from most of your post so is Conservative and Ass-Hole .
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