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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. Your grammar school zingers amuse me. They remind me of the ones like "Takes one to know one" and the old reliable "I'm rubber you're glue" . Oh, Let's not leave out "Sticks and stones".
  2. Seems TP has a talent for bringing out the pompous ass in a lot of folks.
  3. I'm Liberal enough to know you can't run a sixteen trillion dollar economy like a chicken coop.
  4. Kim Kardashian before the butt lift .
  5. This vaccine has very little effect on those who chose not to take it.
  6. Villa di Pratolino Villa in Italy The Villa di Pratolino was a Renaissance patrician villa in Vaglia, Tuscany, Italy. It was mostly demolished in 1820: its remains are now part of Villa Demidoff, 12 km north of Florence, reached from the main road to Bologna.Wikipedia
  7. That's the coolest carving I have ever seen where is it ?
  8. We all want progress, but if you're on the wrong road, progress means an about-turn and walking back to the right road ; in that case, the man that turns back soonest is the most progressive. C.S. Lewis
  9. I don't know if he is a deserter or not but his own men said he had a habit of wandering off base. Once while I was overseas we were in a situation where we had to live off " C " Rations for a month. ( Canned food packed during the revolutionary war ) Our Sergeant who was born in California but of Korean descent would sneak off to a little village about a 1/4 mi away and buy noodles and such and bring them back to us. Had he been captured by the vietcong I suppose you could say he had deserted his post. We were just grateful for the change of pace from stinking "C" rations.
  10. It's absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious. Oscar Wilde
  11. You would probably know more about it than me, most people never heard of them until they became a force strong enough to proclaim a caliph in 2014.
  12. The only thing we "set up" was the opportunity for Iraq to have a free election. Maybe you recall the blue fingers.
  13. Maybe later today it will dawn on GD that ISIL didn't cross into Iraq from Syria until earlier this year. Or maybe he thinks "finishing" it means an invasion of Syria on top of Iraq. Hell maybe we should have thrown in Iran just for good measure.
  14. If you have ever had the pleasure of dealing with Comcast excellent customer service you may be shocked to read this. Everyone knows that Comcast … struggles with customer service. Now, new evidence has surfaced to suggest that at least one of its employees is also just plain mean. Via Elliott.org, a Spokane, Wash., resident named Lisa Brown claims that, after she called Comcast to cancel her family’s cable, her husband’s name was changed from Ricardo Brown to “Asshole” Brown on her most recent cable provider bill. Apparently, Lisa Brown called to cancel the cable portion of the bil
  15. Nothing worse than an damned armchair general. Some of our soldiers have been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan more than eight times. That's eight years of their life fighting George Bush's nasty assed war. How many do think would be enough ? Military suicides are at an all time high at one point more men were killing themselves than were dying on the battle field.
  16. And if he had and we were still we were still there, after 12 long years, and the news was full of clips of our boys coming home in body bags fighting the ISIL, with weekly videos of captured soldiers being beheaded you know good and damned well the Right would be screaming why in the hell didn't he get us out of there when he had the chance.
  17. That's a little tidbit they would prefer to ignore.
  18. Ah the Petrodollar very interesting subject .... World War 3: the unthinkable cost of preserving the petrodollar
  19. You can bring a gun to a gun show but it must be unloaded and have cable tie inserted through the breach.
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