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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. Maybe but in the meantime it's a lot of fun to puff up our own egos and showcase how much better we are than she is.
  2. Sometimes it seems you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. 'surepip' just remind us the nearly 2 million dollars the Dallas Mafia squandered in legal fees in an effort to deny him his day in court. Right now it's hard to figure out where most of our tax dollars are going; to improve the lives of the people of this county or the lives of all the lawyers presently on our county commissioners payroll. So the city of Hiram got some bad legal advice and decided to take it. Good for them in a county that's already up to its eyeballs in litigation maybe its good that our elected officials
  3. So basicly for all the bullcheeze of 'throw the Bums out' it's business as usual.
  4. What Hiram is trying to do, preserve the heritage of an old Downtown, is challenging and maybe futile. The only success stories I can think of are places like Nashville's Music Row and maybe New Orleans's French Quarter. Without a plan a few new street lights and water fountains the project is doomed to failure and just another waste of people's tax dollars.
  5. I just wanted to take the opportunity to say my blood still boils every time I am reminded of what the Paulding County Mafia did to you and your family.
  6. Mystic reveals that rare ‘blue moon’ this weekend could be an omen ‘something really bad is about to happen on Earth’ http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/features/7163245/Mystic-reveals-that-rare-blue-moon-this-weekend-could-be-an-omen-something-really-bad-is-about-to-happen-on-Earth.html
  7. Republicans like to accuse Democrats of always accusing them of being racist yet have no issue with them accusing Democrats of being communist. Bullcheeze seems to be a tactic Republicans prefer over facts.
  8. Whatever happened to the Bloom Box ? After the 60 Minute story a few of years ago I thought we would all be off the Grid by now.
  9. Your cat been in Australia ? The blue-tailed (Cryptoblepharus egeriae) is a species of skink, a lizard native to Australia's Christmas Island, and is not closely related to the Plestiodon skinks ofNorth America, whose juveniles are known for their blue tails. It is relatively small with a black body with yellow stripes going to a bright blue tail. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue-tailed_skink
  10. The more things change the more things stay the same.
  11. We had a thing going on. We know it's wrong, but it's just too strong to let it go now.
  12. Just a little nitpicking here but the notion that renters don't pay is misleading. They pay ( have you seen what people are paying in rent these days ?) they just pay it to their landlord first who inturn pays the property tax . I'll concede visitors would contribute more but I would hardly call Paulding a tourist destination.
  13. My sense of Donald Trump is; Trump does nothing that does not in some way benefit Donald Trump. Donald Trump Gave $0 to Charity in Past 5 Years " Perhaps Donald Trump isn’t as charitable as he’d like you to believe. The Washington Post tore through 93 pages worth of 4,844 Donald J. Trump Foundation donations made over a half-decade, finding that not a one of them came directly from the wallet of the GOP candidate. While the Trump Foundation has been generous on paper, the man who controls it didn’t actually donate any of his own money between 2009 and 2014, the newspaper found."
  14. Your grasp of the truth and insight never fails to amaze me. Thank you.
  15. I have no confidence in our local Representatives to be good stewards of our tax dollars therefore I cannot support any new or renewed access to additional funds .
  16. I have to hand it to you Al as perverted as it is defending an asshole like Craig Cobb takes a lot moxie, congratulations you and your family must be proud !
  17. The point is there's more to 9/11 than we are being told. Twenty pages more to be precise.
  18. That's nice isn't it ? Maybe after all those years of draft dodging and avoiding actually serving his country he now wants do his part, good for him. I'm sure it has nothing to do with his interest in entering politics.
  19. John Miller called and said listen to Citizen Cain he is a wise and thoughtful man.
  20. Actually I was just agreeing with a point you made early on in this post. My only explanation for this disturbing situation is; sheeze happens.
  21. I don't claim to know much about Mr. Maxwell but in general when you have been in office as long as he has the tendency is to care more about the needs of the small groups of people that help you stay in office and less about the voters that put you there. The best evidence of this was his statement that in short said, If you don't like what's happening in Paulding the same road you used to come here will take you back to where you came from.
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