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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. This reminded me of a church we belonged for a while whose Pastor had a real talent, even at ten I picked up on it soon after the 2nd visit, and listened for it as a way to keep from falling asleep. At exactly 11:45 ten minutes before church would end No matter what the sermon was about he could segway into "And that Brothers and Sisters is why we tithe to the Lord", the organ would begin to play and a row of men would appear from the back of the church with big smiles on their faces and began to pass the plate. Even my parents soon became sick of it and we stopped going.
  2. Like Glenn Beck's recent discussion and subsequent suspension from Sirius Radio on taking out the President of the United States ?
  3. Or conservatives are just naturally attracted to 'hate radio".
  4. May as well sure as hell aren't influencing anyone around here.
  5. Whatever you say Rambo. Honestly anyone that is reminded by a man's suicide of the day he installed some guy's generator, not someone I care for anyway.
  6. The guy's a jerk, he only has one point of view and that's his, don't waste your time.
  7. Before you charge someone with a loaded gun you first have to ask yourself the question..
  8. Pretty easy to be brave sitting in your air conditioned living room punching away at a keyboard.
  9. Your primary care physician should be able to give you a reference .
  10. Probably not, but their has been some discussion on the easy accessibility and the people they are being sold to. That's what I've been hearing anyway.
  11. Actually it was an armed off duty police officer, they exchanged gunfire but the shooter retreated into another room where he managed to hold off 50 officers for the 3 hours. It would have been an interesting scenario if as some have suggested is the solution to theses events a dozen untrained intoxicated civilians had pulled weapons in the dark room of 300 people and began spraying the room with gunfire hoping to hit the shooter. Wonder how that would have turned out ?
  12. I was satisfied with 'Extreme Tree Worxs'. Who ever you chose don't, no matter what story they give you pay one red cent until the job is done.
  13. There is nothing new about Leaders using religion and national patriotism to control people, bend them to their will and inspire them to do things they might otherwise reject. In the name of God and Country young men have marched off to war, flew suicide missions and strapped explosive vest to their bodies to kill innocent people. People have been shoved into ovens, ethnically cleansed, murdered, beheaded, burned out of their homes and thrown into slavery for as long as man has existed. Yesterday it was Christians, today it's Islam and when all this plays itself out rest assured some other 'ca
  14. He was a registered Republican. I really don't know if that's true but I might as well throw out some bullcheeze too.
  15. In the middle of this event Trump goes on Twitter to congratulate himself for being "right" on terrorism. https://www.yahoo.com/news/donald-trump-faces-backlash-tweets-175646647.html
  16. Have you lost your humanity, does changing the title of your thread mean more to you than the tragedy of this event ?
  17. And there is the problem, no middle ground, no compromise, end of discussion .
  18. There was an armed officer in the club when this started made no difference,
  19. It was just announced that even though he has been subject to two FBI investigations he legally bought the two firearms in just the last few days. But the good news is he would have never been allowed to board a plane.
  20. Who is saying that or are you just exaggerating as usual ? Fifty people with a butcher knife, that's one determined terrorist.
  21. So the logical solution is to make it as convenient as we possibly can .
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