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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. Fun fact; Lightning release's nitrogen into the atmosphere that in turn greens up our lawn and promotes growth in the garden. Think about that while you are having fried green tomatoes for dinner tonight.
  2. I would say for the majority of over a billion Muslims terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS represent them about as much as the Westboro Baptist church represents the majority of Christians.
  3. The way that it's being abused today he's not half wrong.
  4. Signs or no signs not something you would expect on the sandy beach of a resort hotel. If the Hotel new this was a possibility they should not have trucked in dump trucks of sand and enticed their guest and their children to come enjoy the sun in our lounge chairs and umbrellas.
  5. CAIR is not the ISIS no one on Pcom -I hope- is a member of the ISIS. The question is what party would most represent the ideology of ISIS on almost every social issue from homosexuality to religious freedom and that is the conservative right.
  6. The intolerance of the conservative right reaches far beyond some local community website. Ask yourself this if the ISIS were a political pac in America which party do you think they would align themselves with.
  7. The conservative right wouldn't know tolerance if it bit you in the behind.
  8. You would know more about Afghan's than I would, I know the ISIS cut their throats and throw them off roof tops.
  9. Stay out ? Hell I'm guessing half of Pcom will be there to root for their Homeboy. Someone get Low to take pictures !
  10. Imagine the surprise of the ISIS when they discover that “one of the soldiers of the caliphate in America.” is gay. Looks like they got some splain'n to do.
  11. I managed on my own to make it through fourteen months in a combat zone, so I think I'll pass on taking advice from another keyboard commando.
  12. Seems like that would make her an accessory to the crime.?
  13. Thanks for the advice, to return the favor might I suggest that you retain a good lawyer for that day when you open fire in a crowded restaurant and kill some innocent person.
  14. I'm not suggesting anything I just don't want to get caught in the crossfire and become part of the collateral damage.
  15. Would be a good plan too if everyone else in the restaurant knew to hit the floor when the bullets begin to fly.
  16. Like everything else in life this may not be as simple as it first appears. Jim Van Horn, 71, said Mateen was a "regular" at the popular Pulse nightclub . "He was trying to pick up people. Men," Van Horn told The Associated Press late Monday outside the Parliament House, another gay club. Van Horn, a retired pharmacist, said he met Mateen once, and the younger man talked about his ex-wife. But Van Horn said his friends soon "told me they didn't want me talking to him, because they thought he was a strange person." https://www.yahoo.com/news/orlando-mourns-possible-motives-emerge-club-gu
  17. Oh good lord man what exactly do you think you're doing here commenting on a local community board or in charge of the Harvard debate team. Get a grip.
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