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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. Seems the only people you allow to make mistakes in this world is trigger happy cops.
  2. I wouldn't count on it. http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2016/jul/10/charles-ramsey/how-many-police-departments-are-us/
  3. Couldn't have said it better myself, thank you.
  4. We just seem to have a difference of opinion on what exactly that job is. You know the Cheka and Gestapo were just doing their jobs too.
  5. My "white guilt" that's pretty freaking funny. Like I have said before as much as this is a racial issue I see it first and foremost as an abuse of power an abuse of our legal system an affront to the notion of due process. I see a law enforcement growing more and more powerful everyday one that has given itself the authority of judge jury and executioner with the backing and total support of government. I see a population that no longer objects to midnight police raids on their homes and see innocent lives lost as nothing more than collateral damage. White guilt no, I just don't believe in V
  6. http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/doj-finds-ferguson-targeted-african-americans-used-courts-mainly-to/article_d561d303-1fe5-56b7-b4ca-3a5cc9a75c82.html
  7. 1 You say that as if they just forgot to pick up a loaf of bread on the way home. The consequences are final they are not paid to make mistakes. 2 No it was just a mistake, an overreaction a oops my bad. 3 Do you have a concealed carry permit ,does that make you a criminal ? 4 That's a bullcheeze statement and you know it. If it was a white woman that had a nose similar to yours, how many times would you be pulled over by cops with drawn guns before you started raising holy hell ? What if this happened every time you left your house your whole life ?
  8. Do they have the right to pull over every white woman they see with large breast ? How about if the suspect had red hair start pulling over everyone with red hair ? If that's the new standard for probable cause then god help us.
  9. Did I say that ? If you assume I did then it's no more ridiculous than your assumption that the cop is innocent of wrongdoing. The driver looks more like one of our suspects, just ‘cause of the wide set nose.” This is the very definition of racial profiling. His nose fits the description 'approach with extreme caution' ?
  10. Problem is it's getting harder and harder to know just who those 'law abiding' people are and when they are going to go from law abiding to crazed maniac with Seal Team Six armaments . After reading a few posts on this site I'd say we have a few members that are just one six pack away from snapping themselves.
  11. And if you don't think that the use of deadly force by those sworn to uphold the law hasn't gotten out or control you haven't or refuse to pay attention.
  12. From your Right Wing fascist website ; From the radio dispatch of Officer Jeronimo Yanez: “I’m going to stop a car. I’m going to check IDs. I have reason to pull it over.” “The two occupants just look like people that were involved in a robbery. The driver looks more like one of our suspects, just ‘cause of the wide set nose.” Well if seeing a guy's nose from a few cars away isn't reason enough to kill a man I don't know what is.
  13. Jails, defunct airports and empty movie studios this place is booming ain't it !
  14. It looks like you have either an infatuated groupie or a stalker.
  15. It goes without saying this was a horrible senseless act that will serve no one. Ironically it happened Dallas, one of the few major cities in America that has been working to do things the right way, having one of the lowest rates of Police using deadly force in the country. As I said in a thread yesterday..... What a stupid question, of course not. I am old enough to remember that the same things were being said of the civil rights movement back in the sixties.
  16. The first violence that erupted was in a Louisiana store parking lot and on the side of a road in Minnesota.
  17. I have no doubt the chances of a cop being held responsible for his actions in this country are next to zero. You know it, I know it, most of all they know it. The problem is mistrust in law enforcement is at an all time high and without the support of the public the decent cop's lives are being put in danger by the bad apples in the barrel .
  18. "He's been paying taxes since he was 18 years old," she said. "He's been consistently employed all those years. ​So basically he paid the salary of his own assassin.
  19. "Mistakenly panicked" how sweet of you to say, sure you aren't being overly harsh ?
  20. You really need to stop making sheeze up. No one was assaulted he told a homeless man -the one that made the call- to leave him alone a showed him the gun. Just curious are you a Cop because you sound like a cop.
  21. Their is another video from the store surveillance camera, the Police confiscated it. The owner of the store who also took video from his cell phone said on ABC news he never saw the gun until they pulled it out of his pocket.
  22. Are you just making stuff up or do you have some information you're not sharing ?
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