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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. Then he has the support of the NRA. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY — The National Rifle Association wants convicted felons to be able to purchase firearms, yet its leaders are lambasting efforts to restore voting rights to the same people. http://thinkprogress.org/justice/2016/05/22/3780685/nra-wants-ex-felons-guns-not-voting-rights/
  2. You will have to pardon me for thinking an officer of the Law should be held to a slightly higher standard than a common criminal. Plenty is being said about Black on Black crime in America unfortunately it does not make headlines or appear on the national news. As far as protest go who could blame them, until the voices become loud enough or cities and towns get tired of paying off lawsuits nothing is going to change. Cop's that abuse their authority do it because they know they can, they know from experience about the worst thing that will come of it is they might wind up with three weeks of
  3. I've seen a helluva lot worse that didn't seem to bother you.
  4. Did you take her comments about the Republican party personally ? I thought you were an 'independent thinker' with no party affiliations.
  5. Right in there with the personal stuff, ten post from now you will be complaining when she responds in kind. What's that you are always telling Pubby about setting the tone ?
  6. Really last I heard Repub's held both Houses, and as we all know Congress holds the purse strings
  7. Are you seriously suggesting this was a Democrat led investigation ? Millions upon millions have been squandered by Republicans on Clinton witch hunts and all they have to show for it is a little blue dress. Either the Clintons are incredibly brilliant or the Republicans are incredibly stupid.
  8. Is that the new conspiracy theory flavor of the week ?
  9. The Director of the FBI disagrees.
  10. Someone that actually has a grasp on how the real world works.
  11. Obama and the entire country for that matter was dealt a pretty lousy hand by the previous administration. A lousy economy on the brink of disaster and if that were not enough to deal with add two wars and half the world embroiled in civil war. On top of that a congress hell bound determined to sabotage his presidency at any and all cost. All I've heard for the last eight years from the right is whiny ass criticism and when's he going to fix it. As if all he had to do was snap his finger to erase the previous eight. All things considered I would say he's done a pretty good job.
  12. I don't recall the word criminal ever coming up in his statement, the worse I heard was extremely careless. Why is it whenever any outcome does not suit the right it's always rigged, a coverup or some kind of grand conspiracy ?
  13. Looks like another Republican witch hunt has come up empty handed.
  14. http://abcnews.go.com/US/5000-muslims-serving-us-military-pentagon/story?id=35654904
  15. Interesting that the most violent nation in the civilized world would celebrate war and the rockets red glare in our national anthymn. 'America the Beautiful' just never seemed to make the muster.
  16. You already are with every death that comes at the hands of terrorist.
  17. Estimates of the casualties from the conflict in Iraq since 2003 (beginning with the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, and the ensuing occupation and insurgency) have come in many forms, and the accuracy of the information available on different types of Iraq War casualties varies greatly. Various scientific surveys of Iraqi deaths resulting from the first four years of the Iraq War estimated that between 151,000 and over one million Iraqis died as a result of conflict during this time.[1] A later study, published in 2011, estimated that approximately 500,000 Iraqis had died as a result of the confli
  18. Freedom for whom NJ people that look and act like you ? Certainly not for anyone else.
  19. I see TV ads that Batteries Plus fix cell phones maybe they will fix an iPad, if they do it's gotta be cheaper than Apple.
  20. No you have never heard me excuse a Democrat by saying "He weren't no real Democrat were he" and probably never will. Although it is a great cop-out I must admit. * As for Sheila Jackson Lee I blame it on what ever those damned ignorant Texans put in their water that has given us the likes of her, George Bush and Ted "eggs and ham" Cruz.
  21. That's the nice thing about being a Republican, the minute one screws up you can just flip it off by saying "Ah hell he weren't no real Republican any how".
  22. Those 'Tax and Spend' Republicans when will it ever end ?
  23. Did I give you the notion I enjoyed it ? What we had last night was dueling neighborhoods. Between the non stop explosions, the occasional sound of sirens from emergency vehicles, most like in route to put out grass fires, the howling/barking dogs the only thing that was enjoyable was they had the good sense to call off the war at midnight. Might have been bearable if my home was not surrounded by trees and I could have at least seen what all the fuss was about.
  24. If you can't find parking in Powder Springs come on over to my neck of the woods. Last night sounded like a war zone pretty much from dark thirty until 12. Tonight should amount to a war of worlds.
  25. Actually Al Qaeda and ISIS are by their very nature extreme right wing groups. "Extreme right wing. While left and right contain nuances, generally the extreme right believes in kings and dictators, theocracies, the suppression of women, death to those outside the group, and children as instrumental -- i.e. only existing for their use value. There are other identifying factors, but Daesh values dictatorships, decisions made by the military, keeping women in their place as breeders, male children as future soldiers, and death to anyone who disagrees, so they fit very neatly as right wing."
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