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Everything posted by Blondiega1

  1. We've been to their old home twice to share duck eggs. He was so knowledgeable about eggs and the hatching process which was invaluable to me as I'm raising ducks. Then there's Melissa. Does a sweeter person exist? She so reminds me of my own grandmother and my heart breaks for her.
  2. We are so sadden to hear that Thad has gone on ahead. We've met him a few times and he was always so nice and Melissa is just a treasure. Our thoughts and prayers remain with the Morrison family during this heartbreaking time.
  3. The Pips are in my and Papi's thoughts and prayers.
  4. Sending prayers!
  5. I'm just going on record as saying, it wouldn't surprise me. Y'all are probably correct and she either won't or the party would never make her the nominee.
  6. So, what's the over under on her making another run at it in 2020?
  7. You GO to the Hiram Walmart???? WILLINGLY?? Brave Brave people. ((shudder))
  8. We have a lot around here too. If I don't egg hunt early, the crows will get them.
  9. Can you name the only show that does NOT have a song of some kind during the opening?? 60 minutes. .
  10. http://www.11alive.com/traffic/i-85-collapse/a-secret-skate-park-was-built-under-an-atlanta-interstate/429247217 Now HOW does something like this get built and NO ONE from the DOT notices?
  11. Barry Manilow Comes Out As Gay At Age 73 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/barry-manilow-comes-out_us_58e5102be4b0fe4ce08720c0
  12. Our dock is underwater and there's a river in the front yard. I'm done with this weather.
  13. I was raised that if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. That's all I got to say about that.
  14. CHEESE N RICE!! That's about the most scared I've been in a minute. I, both dogs, and one unhappy kittycat, went to the basement for a bit. All okay here.
  15. Anyone heard any updates on the corner of 61/278 across from the Walgreens and Chick-fila? I heard a rumor at one point of those apartments being torn down and possible a Publix coming in. Frankly, I've said for the longest that the lot across from the hospital would be a great location for a Publix or other grocery store. You'd have all the houses from the Greystone subdivision, it would pull customer from Hiram who really only have an Aldi's and the folks from Dallas who are over the crowded Kroger, AND you'd have built in pharmacy business with the Hospital right across the road.
  16. FYI - please do not use or color your hummingbird nectar red. http://wildbirdsunlimited.typepad.com/the_zen_birdfeeder/2010/07/top-5-reasons-to-not-use-red-hummingbird-nectar.html
  17. My thoughts exactly! How horrible to have to stand by, unable to do anything, while another man ruins the company your father worked so hard to build. This would have been their entire families future.
  18. Heart wrenching. God Bless her, her husband, and their daughter.
  19. Prayers for her family and friends. I'm so sadden to read this today.
  20. I've not seen anyone post on this. I wonder if she's been found yet. http://patch.com/georgia/dallas-hiram/15-year-old-girl-missing-paulding-county?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_term=police+%26+fire&utm_campaign=autopost&utm_content=dallas-hiram
  21. Rub your wedding ring on an eye stye to get rid of it. Load up on vitamin C to prevent getting a cold. (science has shown this really doesn't help, but it doesn't hurt either) Full moon makes people loose their minds. (y'all know this is true!) Don't go outside with a wet head or you'll catch a cold.
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