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Gipper Girl Rocks

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Everything posted by Gipper Girl Rocks

  1. My Dad just moved this month into one in Woodstock. He was going to move into one in Cobb/Kennesaw but for a few diff reasons, chose this one. I can send you the info in a msg if you need. Just let me know. He loves it there so far.
  2. I wish I could help you. I just had a car that might have worked that I needed to get rid of and basically gave it away. I will keep my ears open for you.
  3. Lookit....I was married to a plumber almost 20 years. I know $^! LITERALLY. Dont do the lake and for the sake of ALL things SACRED, NEVER EVER EVER................................................... take a bath. ONLY showers. I need Paxil to even THINK about taking a bath in a tub. GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:o:o
  4. That is a huge sacrifice and you are right, most of us have no idea. You served just as he did. Thank you both and your family.
  5. Holy moly. I'm with ya. I am planning my Pcom life atuobio titled, "WTH happened?! All I wanted was a nail place and a vet!"(heehee....pcom joke). I am happier than I have ever been, best job Ive ever had, a wonderful grown son who is becoming very successful and a beautiful baby girl who is about to turn a year old. But, I SERIOUSLY would make the TOP 10 "Different Life now!" list if Pcom has one one day. I'm not ashamed, sad or do I regret any of the changes in my life. God had blessed me beyond my wildest imagination and I sleep like a baby at night and didnt for a long time. Pcommers have
  6. You aint kidding. I had put up with so much #$% and then in my worst nightmare? Uh, NO. No more. BTW, I just bought myself a new 12 gauge just for fun(for home).
  7. Oh, no worries. I know you. I knew you were referencing the kinky sex stuff. you.
  8. Whew! YES. My son "ran away", if you can call it that when he was 14 with our tent and our dog. 2 days and one night. The police and his Father(my EX husband of 16 yrs)were WORTHLESS! My Mother came out to my house, spent the night with me crying, talking, praying, calling ppl and answering calls. My job even sent 50 volunteers out in the woods to find him. I FOUND HIM. I was on an all out mission that was about love AND righteous anger. Oh boy, I FOUND HIM. I have never been so thankful. I remember vividly seeing him(my blue tent), crying, yelling for him, hugging him and then.....oh, not pr
  9. Yes. EXACTLY. That is time in between each stab to "think" about WTH you're doing. Vicious and enraged. Investigators always look at a stabbing as personal and intimate. I may or may NOT have worn my share of schoolgirl outfits for my man but I didnt stab him 29 times when he pissed me off. Just sayin'. :pardon:
  10. NO matter why or the reasons...he is alive. Very relieved for you and I will not stop praying.
  11. I have tears in my eyes for you! I am so thankful and give God the glory. I'm sure there are obvious issues but if God can bring him back home like this, He can surely do the rest of the work. SO VERY THANKFUL and happy for you and your family.
  12. I already have issues, fairly major ones, with anything concerning city/county water, drains, garbage disposals. Thank you for your contribution...
  13. and slit his throat literally ear to ear. I honestly have just counted to 29 for all the stab wounds she inflicted on him and it's too much to even THINK about. I can see it if you were sexually abused as a child or someone hurt your children, etc but that is only EXTREME cases even. Just a jealous woman who was no more than a good time to him when he had nothing better going on. She CLEARLY pushed their relationship and is the one who initiated most of the time they spent together. What human being could kill someone that way? I can't even look at all the crime scene photos. I think eve
  14. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Hoping these magazines will be legit. WOW if they are! I need to do laundry and vacuum but I cant tear myself away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Could be monumental.
  16. Great:). Honestly, I wouldnt trust anyone more for the work and the price.
  17. Yes, probably an appraiser. Pretty common but usually done during work hours so not many ppl see them. Perfectly legal though.
  18. You are on my mind so much and I am praying for you and your family everyday. I wanted to throw this in. I know everybody has "advice and ideas" and I KNOW that has to get old. This is just something I learned today that I have never heard of and makes so much sense. On the NCIC records that all police depts use, they cross section and "connect" missing people with "found" people, warrants, etc.... Heard a Mother today who was absolutely at her wits end with the police as they pretty much brushed her off b/c her daughter was an adult....you know all about that. By mistake and/or Divine
  19. I had his birthday on my calendar and have been thinking about him. I so love the memories of talking to him over loud karaoke and memories of he and LauriePenny dancing. He is in Heaven tonight though with a new body and a new life, cheering all of us on to be there one day, too. He is reaping his eternal reward although so many miss him so much.
  20. Ive been keeping up but being so far away, I'm a little out of the loop and way too far from Chik fil A..... Do you know if there is a fund online I can donate to? Thank you for keeping us up to date on this precious boy and his family, LR.
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