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Jessica Rabbit

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Everything posted by Jessica Rabbit

  1. So, with the hickory fries coupon of the week (for a small order) and the crazy/tempting conversation we had about the salads all yesterday, I was a fatty last night and ordered a small order of hickory FF and a small hickory salad and ate it ALL. I paid the price for it later, but it was SOOOOO worth it
  2. I must have been destined at a very young age for an alcoholic. I can be 2 ft from the sink... and soaked when I'm done. Well... ::CHEERS:: Oh man the PJ one is ridiculous! We had some silly stuff we lived by, didn't we!?!?!
  3. Sounds like we've all got a date then!!
  4. Mine are Real Housewives of New Jersey, The Real L word, My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding, any Challenge on MTV (right now its Rivals), and MOB WIVES!!
  5. After all that talk of Briar Patch, I imagine I'll be hitting the drive thru!! C'mon 6pm!!! Or if any of you would like to have me over for your delicious sounding dinner's that will work as well.
  6. LOLOLOLOL. Lord, I'd be in a world of hurt if I shared that mentality
  7. Thanks for the coupon info!! I have been really good about what I've been eating today...I could very well go for the fries. Guess we'll see if it's a salad or fries when I'm forced to decide!!
  8. Thank you for the info!! I'm definitely asking about them tonight. Might even record the answer so I get it right. I'll post my findings if anyone else is curious!
  9. I know they refer to the characters but what does each mean? The difference between a Brer Rabbit salad vs a Brer Bear salad. Is it a different type of meat or is it a different type of salad all together (one is caesar, one is garden). There are no descriptions of the actual meals online or on their menu board. Guess I'm going to have to ask when I go there tonight for dinner (since you guys have me CRAVING it something fierce!!)
  10. ^^Fun fact for the day. I was referring to what the animals were in reference to. They have a Brer Rabbit salad (don't think they serve rabbit) vs a Brer Bear salad (really hope they aren't serving bear). None of the names are the conventional meats, so I was wondering how do they translate. Haha Brer Chicken, Brer Pig, and Brer Cow. See how easy it could be. LOL
  11. They mentioned that one this morning on the radio and it literally sent me chills to think about. Made me think of a Dementor in Harry Potter.... ::shudder::
  12. Never heard of that before... probably cause my mom was cheap and wasting a potato was simply NOT an option. hahaha I hated that one!! I knew it was lies. I was a defiant young one so I wet my entire head and went outside in winter just to prove a point. I came back with sniffles that I had to hide from my mom, but I never got pneumonia. ...hmmm this one explains a lot
  13. Oh man I forgot all about that one!! I'd run as fast as I could away from the vaccuum as a child! Too bad it backfired on me as an adult. I still won't go near a vaccuum.
  14. OMG it's so funny you mentioned that! I had a HUUUGE craving for their hickory fries about a week ago when I was sick. Got the order and yes they were DELICIOUS but just made me feel so heavy and full afterward. I decided the next day (don't judge me) that I'd try the hickory salad for the first time to see if it satisfied my craving without all the calories and OH MAN was I pleasantly surprised!!! Curious side note: Does anyone know what the Brer Rabbit, Brer Bear, and other Brer "animals" mean. I always want to ask but never think to after I smell that delicious hickory
  15. Listening to the radio (on a rare, but oddly welcomed) long commute to another branch at work and happened to hear the tail end of a discussion with the listeners about the things your parent's told you when you were a kid that just simply aren't true. I never really had any crazy ones, just the standard: 1)if you swallow your gum, it stays in your stomach for seven years (I actually think they said it sticks to your ribs) 2)that you can't swim until an hour after you eat or you'll get a cramp. The listeners and DJ's alike were mentioning some crazy ones I had never even hear
  16. PM sent I'm thinking a lot of you have met me lol
  17. I second that notion.
  18. Considering the rampant amount of spelling and grammatical errors all over PCOM... I wonder if they may be on to something.
  19. If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen
  20. This is totally ridiculous... ::SMH::
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