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Everything posted by ca2ga

  1. Ahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaaaahahahahahahaaaaaa Breath Ahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahsnortahahahahahaaaaaaaa
  2. Is NPR. Everyone must agree is true.
  3. I thought Obamacare was going to decrease costs and every one would fart rainbows? What happen to hope and change?
  4. Banks are already overly regulated and reformed to death. The more government tries to "fix" things, the worse it gets. Look what the recent regulations put in place only made the "to big to fail" banks even bigger.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZ-4gnNz0vc
  6. Yep basically to contain a situation that could explode. Buys them time to drag it out, calm nerves and let isiots and race baiters to move onto another faux-controversy.
  7. $150K set for bail? Doesn't bode well for the prosecutions case if they allowed it be set that low. Pretty much confirms what everyone is saying that the case against Zimmerman is weak sauce.
  8. And there you have it...The autobiography of ZC...... Pretty sad funny aint it? So much so I had to immortalize that statement in my sig.
  9. Sorry buttercup, you already exposed yourself as being ignorant on what these numbers mean. Debating with a copy and paste queen is useless. It's amusing but useless all the same. Go get a calculator and learn some simple math, learn to think for yourself, and then let's talk. Until then you are just making yourself look ridiculous.
  10. Thats rich coming from you buttercup, you mentioned several times you have no idea what these numbers mean. So you pluck some obscure article from some obscure so called economist, and accept it as fact? Seriously? Ignorance is bliss eh buttercup?
  11. Man....that's quite the convincing argument you have there wineguy. How bottles of Thunderbird did you pound to come up with that gem of a reply?
  12. Slapping down liberals with their own fav propeganda?......Priceless!
  13. They handcuffed former member after another epic meltdown? lol
  14. The media manipulates the gullible. NPR is a prime example.
  15. Postman muttering in the corner to himself, yep some things never change.
  16. Is it? One can never tell what fairy tales liberals believe when they just make sheeze up.
  17. And just what are we going to do with all the toxic used batteries that will replace said fossil fuels? How much fossil fuels are going to be burned harvesting minerals required for said batteries? The solution is not batteries. Global warming? Please don't tell me you two are still drinking that snake oil! Man you two make a sad pair.
  18. More NPR copy an paste in a Tourettes like frenzy? I think someone needs Postmans QC deregulation..or something.
  19. Please explain: Deregulation is now needed on quality control, so that the complete circle can be achieved. What circle is this you speak of that needs to be completed? On QC that needs deregulation?
  20. Someone seriously needs to change their homepage...
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