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Everything posted by ca2ga

  1. Not at all. I have the utmost respect for our emergency service personal. Some of my best friends who left the service went into emergency services.
  2. Obama mentions that retirees had to make sacrifices. Doesn't mention that only NON-UNION retirees were forced to make those sacrifices.
  3. What a heaping load of liberal bullcheeze. I hope the workers that got screwed win. The way the bailout was handled in favor of the union workers over the salaried is despicable......and by all accounts illegal as hell. Effff the UAW and their sycophants in Washington.
  4. What load of crapola from the resident blowhard. I'm sure your outpouring of empathy is effing cold comfort to the thousands who got illegally screwed over.
  5. Whats a crying shame is you and your brethren like to dispose of the young and never give them a chance.
  6. Why do you cry so much? There are meds for that.
  7. The crying shame is the person crying in the mirror.
  8. Again the proposed legislation is moot. The DOj and ICE already enforce such policies and shut down websites they see fit without due process. Sites just like this that post torrent links to pirated films and tv shows. http://paulding.com/forum/index.php/topic/282871-sopa/page__view__findpost__p__3584146
  9. I guess not everyone is free of any lack of judgements, etc. as you em. Must be nice to be the only person in the history of the world to be of high moral fiber and live in glass houses.
  10. ca2ga


    Looks like Pubbys little slice of heaven is in violation like those that have had their domains seized by DOJ and ICE! Under thread: Anyone have all the seasons of OZ http://paulding.com/...ost__p__3584142 http://i42.tinypic.com/2cp9w7b.jpg
  11. Heres your moment of clarity for all you weepy eye marine hating liberals. From N.O.W. Women's Lives Under the Taliban
  12. ca2ga


    I sent both of them a scathing email after new years. Here's the reply I got back from Isakson: I replied back basically telling him how he's wrong on so many levels and why.
  13. ca2ga


    Why We Haven't Seen Any Lawsuits Filed Against The Government Over Domain Seizures: Justice Department Stalling
  14. ca2ga


    It all smoke in mirrors as they been doing essentially the same thing since Nov 2008...and without due process. Senate panel approves domain name seizure bill U.S. seizes sites linked to copyright infringement DOJ and ICE take control of more than 130 domains ICE chief defends website seizures
  15. ca2ga


    Is that why there is about equal amount of supporters of both Dem and Repub politicians? List of Companies, Represenatives, and Senators that support SOPA and PIPA
  16. ca2ga


    You are so full of sheeze it aint even funny. Obama on Pace to Borrow $6.2T in One Term—More Than All Presidents from Washington Through Clinton Combined
  17. ca2ga


    Am I for it? Big government taking over the Internet? Not at all. Just pointing out your blatent hypocrisy. Like I said, if it goes into effect, I hope it comes back to bite people in the arse for always advocating for more government control over you freedom and liberty. Your delusional rant about less government control equates to warlords or something is just that. Delusional.
  18. ca2ga


    He knows it's true. That's why Mr "I love big government" is now peeing in his paints like the thousands of other forum owners. This site as well as others will be in the crosshairs for anyone to take a shot at. Best part? He won't have any recourse.
  19. Good to know your heart warms for those who strive to kill marines. Your hubby must be proud.
  20. If the terrorists didn't like Marines peeing on their dead, just think how mad they'd be if we flew planes into their buildings.
  21. ca2ga


    Typical libtard spin. like I said Pub, hope your little slice of heaven gets SOPA'd up real good. SOPA threatens to fundamentally change the way information is presented online by placing massive restrictions on user-generated content like posts to forums, video uploads, podcasts or images. In a nutshell, here's what the law would do: Assign liability to site owners for everything users post, without consideration for whether or not the user posted without permission. Site owners could face jail time or heavy fines, and DNS blacklisting. It would require web services like YouT
  22. And another one... Allen West on the Marines Incident: 'Shut Your Mouth, War Is Hell' Hey Buttercup, is this your "Everyone"??? Washington Post Poll as of 1/13/2012 9:55 EST What was your reaction to the video that appeared to show Marines urinating on three Afghan corpses? It's an unacceptable desecration - 11% It's an embarrassment - 7% It's not surprising -- things like this happen in war - 82% Total Votes: 30,660 Percentages may not add up to 100% due to rounding
  23. Bless the loony left... agenda today is defending the rights of dead terrorists and dead voters. Washington Post Poll as of 1/13/2012 9:55 EST What was your reaction to the video that appeared to show Marines urinating on three Afghan corpses? It's an unacceptable desecration - 11% It's an embarrassment - 7% It's not surprising -- things like this happen in war - 82% Total Votes: 30,660 Percentages may not add up to 100% due to rounding
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