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Everything posted by jayride

  1. It is sad to see them go and makes everyday a little more real about how important this election is!!
  2. after 6 shoot them or sic the hounds on them we are talkin bout PC!! but really after 6 is disrespectful..
  3. i thought that there is no right to vote
  4. Heather Hughes 4:30 pm on Saturday, September 8, 2012 The 3 small children in the contour were my children and my nephew, the driver was my mom. My 6 year old daughter was life flighted to Scottish rite, my 3 year old son was taken by ambulance to Scottish rite, and my nephew was driven to Scottish rite. My mom is still in kennestone and will be for a while. She has a fractured disk and other back injuries possibly needing surgery. Her arm is broken and was severely cut. She also has a fractured ankle. My son and nephew were looked at and discharged, my son with seatbelt
  5. the boy wasnt air lifted it was a female so either the grandmother or one of the children the ejected person was sent by clark to kennestone i do not know where fox got there info but half of it is wrong. i listened to it on the scanner from the first SO pulling up and extinguishing the flames on the jeep one of the people involved was an off duty cobb deputy..and i would really like to know some updates if anyone hears anything
  6. the person in the jeep was thrown from the vehicle jeep caught fire white male was load and go for Clark critical.3 clark units dispatched med vac was on call and canceled and then re staged for i think it was the driver of the black concourse, and then medvac was dispatched for her critical. thats all i remember from the call it was pretty hectic following on the scanner
  7. turkey burger sliders and beef sliders on Hawaiian rolls topped with pancetta, tomatoes and lettuce!!
  8. i kinda spewed a little with her comment my stomach still feels queasy!
  9. jayride

    Sushi ?

    i was the manager at the pet store and the amount of critters that went missing well lets just say my family refuses to eat there to..
  10. my tag didnt look like that it was upside down... lol
  11. jayride

    Sushi ?

    Mt fuji is my favorite
  12. i grew up on lester/poole bride rd and we always said mine mitchell
  13. i listen to talk mostly this is just sad cause its the end of a station i grew up with..
  14. http://vimeo.com/346...95620505892#_=_ looking back on what 96ROCK was and what started it!!
  15. spaghetti tacos make your regular spaghetti just use a mini noodle like a penne or data noodle and stuff in taco shells add Parmesan and a little shredded mozzarella.. My kids love it
  16. I don't know where doughnut came from its supposed to say cupcake i guess im craving doughnuts
  17. the cupcake place up in dallas has a peanut butter and jelly doughnut that is sooooo good
  18. nice to meet you im directly across also and we are praying for the family also
  19. Thats what i was afraid of, i took my earbud out while i was cooking and missed it on the scanner.
  20. the one day i dont have the scanner in my ear im out back grilling and something happens across the street!! now there is crime scene tape and officers in ties anyone hear what happned first house mcclure ridge
  21. i'll drop you off i'm pissy to
  22. I grew up with jarhead from my GPs and then when i was 10 or 11 i would jump on any horse motorcycle atv it didnt matter if i got tossed or bucked i just wanted to ride, so one of my parents friends said jared will ride anything but all anyone heard was jride anything so since then im Jayride...
  23. i wonder if i take him turkey meat if he will make me a turkey blondie burger, I can't remember the last time i had a beef hamburger.
  24. i will have to look into that i think we pay 40 for mine and my wifes data plan eachand i think 20 for my daughter shes not allowed to stream music unless she is on wifi so she really doesn't use that much..
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