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Everything posted by Mustluvdogs

  1. Is Humana dropping out of GA completely? Just got a letter saying 'you can't keep your plan'...for 2017. Went on their site and says no plans available.
  2. Where's a good area to go fishing there? Been there a long time ago, but don't remember much.
  3. Hillary seems to have had something wrong health wise for quite a long time. She called somewhat near half the country names, ugly, spiteful, HATEFUL, names. Just like the Democrats have always done when their hands are caught in the cookie (taxpayers) jar. It's rare that you can have a civil discussion with a Democrat without being called a name by them. Democrats, when they can't defend something, always, without fail, call names like kids on a playground. Donald Trump is right when he tells African Americans that their inner cities will stay exactly the same under Hillary, because they
  4. Now we hear so much about the so-called greed of Walmart, but this is pure evil. http://www.forbes.com/sites/emilywillingham/2016/08/23/ceo-of-mylan-pharmaceuticals-sees-671-salary-increase-in-8-years/#5b0470da4b23 EpiPen, a LIFE SAVING device, ran by Joe Manchin's daughter Heather Bresch, raised the price over 400% under her watch. In 2015, Mylan announced that it would move some of its operations overseas in search of a more favorable tax rate. The tactic, known as an inversion, exploits what President Obama has called “one of the most insidious tax loopholes out there.” For Myl
  5. “African-Americans need to know that it was the Republicans, it was conservatives, the father of contemporary conservatism, President Ronald Reagan, who signed for the protection of HBCUs,” Issa added. “He did that. It wasn’t the liberal Democrats and Republicans need to point this out throughout this upcoming 2016 midterm election. They have to make this known because a lot of people don’t know this.” http://washington.cbslocal.com/2014/10/29/african-american-professor-reagan-did-more-to-help-black-education-than-obama/
  6. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/05/opinion/sunday/the-real-reason-college-tuition-costs-so-much.html?WT.mc_id=2016-KWP-AUD_DEV&WT.mc_ev=click&ad-keywords=AUDDEVREMARK&kwp_0=87106&kwp_4=453362&kwp_1=254857&_r=1 Should I and other taxpayers foot the over the top inflated bill for able-bodied people to get a free education when they will eventually make money from this? How many people will suddenly decide to go to college simply because it's free? Millions? Probably since people seem to be raising their kids with the mindset of getting free stuff with the help of
  7. I guess you don't know that it's Bill Clinton I was talking about with Jeffery Epstein. Bill ditched the SS for privacy.
  8. I read that he also flew around with that convicted pedophile Jeffery Epstein on his private jet over 20 times. Sick, twisted man..... We should all make a pledge that someone like this never has that kind of power ever again.
  9. As long as it's easier to vote than to get a library card.... Having to prove who you are doesn't disenfranchise anyone. Only Democrats think that minorities are stupid.
  10. Total amount was 1.7 billion. There was a plane ready and waiting, after Iran said they were releasing the hostages, BUT they had to wait for a second plane, filled with 400 million in cash to arrive before they were freed. This was not a coincidence. It was ransom money. The Obama administration has refused to say how the $1.7 billion was paid.
  11. “I just remember the night at the airport sitting for hours and hours there, and I asked police, ‘Why are you not letting us go,’ ” Abedini said. “He said, ‘We are waiting for another plane so if that plane doesn’t come, we never let [you] go.’ ” http://nation.foxnews.com/2016/08/05/freed-pastor-we-waited-2nd-plane-land-iran-leaving Laundering and paying a ransom.
  12. Kerry: Air conditioners as big a threat as ISIShttp://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/07/23/kerry-air-conditioners-as-big-threat-as-isis.html The democrats continue to tout energy efficiency and other things that ultimately doesn't work well. Anyone that has purchased a new dishwasher or clothes washer lately knows they flat out don't work as well as the old models. When you have to rerun either to actually get anything clean makes it not energy efficient. This will also raise the costs where it hurts, as usual, the middle class and poor. This as well as other things that come from the le
  13. Democrats seem to be very afraid of Trump, even while they claim that Trump can't win. Hillary will probably pick Booker after seeing quite a few black people supporting Trump. She'll probably promise more 'free' stuff. If she could find a Hispanic/black/gay/transgender she'd pick them, as there are quite a few Hispanics and gays (yes, after Orlando) with Trump. Most urban cities are run by Democrats and the people are still in the same sinking boat that they've always been in with the same Democrats promising the same thing each election cycle. IMO, Trump will win because there's no one b
  14. Thank God, she didn't say, "For the first time of her life, she's proud to be an American".
  15. I guess this means for Democrats that Bill Clinton is guilty as sin.
  16. Many, many women at Fox are stating that no way, no how that he did this. Carlson stayed for years after this 'allegedly' happened. But, like the police are instantly at fault..........................
  17. Is that anything like electing a President cause of what he looks like? Democrats always vote for looks, not necessary good looks, but what someone appears to be. Obama, black. Hillary, woman.
  18. The future and you will vote for Hillary. Tell this mother why. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/video/mother-benghazi-victim-speaks-republican-national-convention-40683453 She's one of those who have stated that Hillary LIED to her face. Hillary called this poor woman a liar. Her son is DEAD. I'm not the one that is willing to vote for Hillary and her scum of a husband.
  19. They need to ban all sharp objects. That'll stop em. It's not their fault, it's all those damn AXES.
  20. Hillary destroyed government emails, then lied about it, over and over. Haitians have protested in front of her campaign headquarters in NY. You know from not getting what was promised from the Clinton so-called foundation. She lied to the families of the Benghazi victims. Some right to their face. How ethical is that? Lying about your loved ones death. They were told they died because of a video. They died. Then their families were lied to. They were still dying hours after waiting for help. Help that was never coming. She's a liar. There's proof. Lots of proof. Lies. But he
  21. My guess is that Mary Austin owns the rights. He left her 'the love of his life' all his money. Perhaps, after all, she felt betrayed.
  22. https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2013/crime-in-the-u.s.-2013/offenses-known-to-law-enforcement/expanded-homicide/expanded_homicide_data_table_3_murder_offenders_by_age_sex_and_race_2013.xls Blacks kill more people in the U.S. than anyone. They make up approximately 13% of the population.
  23. Yeah, Michelle is the very first person to ever say "you work hard for what you want" "and "your word is your bond"......
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