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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. I really do have a HUGE library of horror (books and movies), so I am full of suggestions in that respect. Besides the other stuff I am full of, lol.
  2. Dawn of the Dead (new and old Romero) 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later Shaun of the Dead...funny but still ZOMBIES and Simon Pegg, can't go wrong there. Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things Lucio Fulci's 'Zombie' Martyrs Human Centipede Frontier(s) Resident Evil Pet Semetary Salems Lot (original) The Shining (original and remake) Dread Day of the Dead The Last Exorcism Quarantined Paranormal Acitivity (liked 1 & 2) Severance and Doghouse (can't go wrong with Danny Dyer) The Posession of David O'Reilly Creep Stag Night The Descent How many horror movies su
  3. We need to get some of Suzanne's work photographed. Also, for any artists here on the Pcom...we do have some space available to hang paintings, etc. We take a small commission from work sold, so if you have anything you would like featured stop by with it and let us check it out!
  4. Someone help me here, but I'm trying to figure out the downside to being stalked by this man... lol
  5. Here's the FB link for those who want to come and support this fallen soldier. My link
  6. I'm not sure if Susan already shared this or not, so here it is. Regulars will remember Faye 'Selena Sorrow' as one of our helpers at the store. She still helps out occasionally, but not as regularly as she did a couple of years ago. Her 'Gone with the Wind' activities keep her super busy nowadays, and she is receiving some recognition because of it . You go , Girl! Selena Sorrow
  7. Awesome! Congratulations .
  8. He is SUCH a brilliant writer! I can't believe I waited so long to pick him up. After the Dresden books I'll continue on with his other, the 'Codex Alera' series.
  9. Working my way through the Dresden series by Jim Butcher (on book 6 of 12 now), then on to Ray's 'Sex and Violence in Hollywood' .
  10. A customer in the store yesterday got me to thinking along the lines of gender, and how we choose what we read. I never really thought about it until the discussion. She actually is hesitant to read male authors, and I had never really considered the fact that 99.9% of what I read is written by men. Her reasoning was that women are more in tune to emotion, and I guess there is some legitimacy to that. I am emotional enough in real life (commercials can make me cry, and the older I get the worse I become ) so I prefer male authors overall. I can actually only name 4 female authors I enjoy
  11. Benadryl...believe it or not. A nurse friend of ours suggested it, and believe me it works.
  12. Yes, it will be 8 years for us this September and it still hurts. Lowrider, my condolences for your very great loss.
  13. Hoping for a speedy recovery!
  14. That's alright, you can call me Darlin' . I also don't mind fag or queer when coming from someone who is not a bigot. Does that sound hypocritical or what, lol. ALL of my gay friends use it, and the electronica played in gay clubs we refer to (and have since the 80's) as "fagdisco". I think the issue for me is the intent behind the word.
  15. Makes me think of the movie 'Knowing'. I think if there was something like that coming I would want to know...if not just to be with my loved ones (kids, grandson). Not that you can do anything about it, but I would want to know. We could just huddle and wait, lol.
  16. If I didn't know you were a smartass I would slap you... .
  17. Oh yeah, definitely HATE the 'N" word...AND 'queer' and 'F' when referring to someone homosexual. I hate any word that exhibits bigotry or hatred based on differences or ethnicity.
  18. Lol! So does my Alabama hubby...although I have to say after almost 14 years together he does it less often now .
  19. Yes! 'Nu-cu-lur', instead of 'nuclear' I wanted to punch GWB in the brain every time he said that . 'Funner'..no such WORD!
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