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Everything posted by misterpolitics

  1. I'm sure Will has been on P-com all night
  2. What falsehood, pray tell? And I sure don't blame you, Madea. Some fellow supporters act foolishly on here. That's no reason to discount a debate between the actual candidates, though. But I am very interested to know what lies Will put forth. And, just FYI, I talked to Will, and the press release actually went out to press. There were even two blog posts about it, as well.
  3. Fees and taxes can be seen as one and the same. Thanks for informing all of us about this.
  4. On behalf of sane and rational Will supporters, can I say that people that call Ms. Braddock a "b___h" do not speak for us, and I would be pretty darn comfortable in saying that they would not speak for Will either. Just as there are Tea Partiers that say some pretty disgusting things, and just as Rev. Jeremiah Wright said some pretty disgusting things, it does not mean that we can extrapolate those thoughts to all people who support a candidate or an organization. That being said, I think, in due time, people will realize the true Paulette Braddock. She may have a voting record, but if
  5. Amen. Frankly, if you are just voting for someone because of their purported relative influence based upon nothing more than simple conjecture then, IMHO, your priorities are horribly skewed. If you truly think that Paulette will deliver more for Paulding County (jobs, water, transportation, education, etc.), then by all means, vote Paulette. If you REALLY think that Paulette would have a single iota more influence than Will would, then you have not been in politics or government in the least. If we were talking about Will Avery vs. Entrenched Incumbent, yes, you would have a fair argument
  6. Have you ever had the opportunity to meet Will? If not, how can you make that judgement? There are many bills authored, co-sponsored, advocated for, and supported by Democrats in the Republican-controlled State House. One of the reasons I personally like Ralston is because, though he may be a conservative Republican, he listens to everyone and will give you a fair shake. In my observations, Will is outspoken and passionate, which are two things we need in a Representative. Perhaps in his first term he will not be elected to the position of Minority Leader or Whip, but neither will Ms.
  7. My apologies for jumping on you, then. Just wondering, though, what you think about a public debate? You're one of the more vocal folks out here, so I just wonder.
  8. Political campaigns send out press releases often. This one, to me, was more of an open debate challenge that Will wanted to ensure got to the press. If your only attack is deeming what is "worthy" of coverage, then that is pretty weak.
  9. Perhaps Jim Galloway is available once again. He's always fun to listen to.
  10. Agreed. Prepared remarks are all well and good, but unless an elected official can answer the "hard questions," I don't see how they are any good.
  11. I can't be there, but can someone please keep me a bowl of the stew as well?
  12. What do you mean, exactly, by "prove?" To me, this seems like a straightforward release-- stating that Mr. Avery would like the opportunity to debate Ms. Braddock, which by the looks of the previous thread, seems not to be something she would prefer to do. If anything, I would say that Will wants to "prove" that he wants to be open and honest with Paulding voters, and that he wants to "prove" that he will be responsive to their needs and requests.
  13. Now I can't speak for Will, but as an outside observer of the past session, I quite like David Ralston. Would I prefer a Democrat, sure, however Mr. Ralston, from everything I can deduce, is a good man who makes rational decisions for the best interests of Georgia. I'd wonder whether Will would support him as well. As for the "independent" question, you also do have to consider the fact that Georgia has the most restrictive ballot access laws in the nation.
  14. While I understand some of the points raised, is it not more important to elect a representative that will make the right decisions rather than a representative who is friends with certain people? Will may not fit into that role for some on P-com, and heck, that's okay. But I just have a political philosophical problem with people choosing a candidate based off of things like "well, they would be in the majority party."
  15. "Conservative party" is a loaded term. There are liberal Republicans (Lincoln Chaffee, pre-Obama Arlen Specter, etc) just as there are conservative Democrats. The terms "liberal" and "conservative" have nothing to do with party, but have somehow become correlated with them. As far as I have heard, Will is running as what he is-- a "conservative Democrat." Frankly, voting for someone because they would be a member of the "majority party" is a poor justification for a vote. I sincerely believe one needs to vote for the person who would do the best job. When elected, neither Will nor Paulet
  16. PolitiFact is a joke of an organization. As with most other journalistic orgs, they exist for profit, and therefore like to exaggerate sometimes. They just search for statements to refute, and half the time don't even refute the statement itself.
  17. Any classical music fans in the room? There's a video on YouTube of John Williams conducting an amazing youth orchestra, playing the Star Wars theme. Completely and utterly off topic, but I watched it recently.
  18. My grandmother passed away after her third bout with cancer. Her first two were both breast cancer. I'd love to make a donation, and sponsor a mile.
  19. Sounds like a real fun time! Let's hope she'll be an anchor soon!
  20. Perhaps Will misunderstood what you said, and perhaps Will was referring to someone else. Either way, what you said, to me at least, was not a slap at Will, and he apologized for the misconstruction. If this is an issue you will vote on come November, we have bigger fish to fry.
  21. I'm ready to see that. Hope the debates begin real soon.
  22. I apologize if I gave you the impression that I was talking direct to you, but I was not. I absolutely believe that legitimate concerns exist, and I look forward to hearing them play out, however I scarcely think that the abstract term "liberal" is a real issue. For one, nobody has discussed an issue upon which Will is a liberal. A Democrat, sure, but that is not equitable to a liberal (Nunn; Zell, etc). What frustrates me is when people classify someone politically without getting to know them. I am personally a Democrat, as you might figure, but I will be voting for at minimum two statewi
  23. He never said that they were. All he said was that his parents were Tea Party Republicans.
  24. I just ask that if Will gave back the PFAW money, would that make a difference in your mind? Obviously not, so many people here are intent on pegging him as a "liberal," when I would doubt that a single one of you have attempted to speak to him in any forum that does not mask your anonymity-- face to face. If you would like to use anything beyond hollow buzzwords to describe Will's political leanings, please do, because I am a person who deals in substance, rather than idle chatter. If you can prove that Will is somehow a "liberal," a term which means very little by the way, then let's disc
  25. Perhaps the $150 from Pubby was from Will winning the straw poll (or what have you), in which he pledged to donate money to whomever emerged as the victor?
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