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Everything posted by misterpolitics

  1. Now Captain, just because you wear a cape and a really awesome shirt with your name on it doesn't mean that's true
  2. You should. There's talk on another one of these rooms about NewsJunky or LTD. Not sure who P-Com is nominating yet, tho.
  3. They're not being primaried. I would expect that they would be invited for the General debates, though.
  4. IMO, it shows that groups from all ends of the political spectrum believe in Will as a candidate and a person. One does not have to agree with someone on all points to find common ground, nor does it mean that the characterization of one is equal to that of another.
  5. Can I just say as much as I disagree with your stance against Will Avery, I cannot in good faith say all too much because the smilies you use are too danged cute.
  6. The Democratic Party of Paulding County will be hosting a picnic on Saturday, June 26 at Ben Strickland Park in Hiram. Please come out and enjoy an afternoon of fun and fellowship. Will Avery, Democratic Candidate for District 19 House of Representatives will be in attendance along with his family. Where: Ben Strickland ParkWhen: June 26 from 3:00 pm until 5:00 pm
  7. How, pray tell, are they not "workable?" In Alabama, for example, the Point of Sale bill worked amazingly. To the tune of $1 billion.
  8. I couldn't agree with you more. It just seems to make sense. I know my parents both have their pictures on their cards, but not every bank offers it. I think it would be a real good way to prevent identity theft.
  9. Absolutely. I have done it myself.
  10. No, I understand completely. I mean it's the hosts prerogative. For me, though, it just seems like an opportunity lost for a local candidate to make himself known to his constituents. Even though this is pre-primary, it is also pre-general.
  11. I understand, but that is unfortunate. The past two events had only one Democrat, so I guess I am a bit disappointed.
  12. Have you ever even met Mr. Avery? I mean you are levying some serious accusations. Would you like to provide us with some proof? Perhaps you know something we all do not, or are you just speculating as to the nature of another's character? Please, enlighten us, because we all want to know. What superpower do you behold that somehow gives you the foresight to say that Mr. Avery wants to give his family a raise? Perhaps you know if either of his parents are retired? Can you tell me that? Or, just maybe, you are a Republican with nothing bad to say about Will Avery, so you need to make
  13. May I ask how he is not qualified? Or who would be more qualified? Or if you could define qualified as it relates to politics.
  14. Not a member of the same party as either Heath, but much enjoyed the candy. And, Madea, it was the toffee for me. The chocolate was just an added bonus
  15. If he gets elected, and he screws up, run against him next time.
  16. He's had it for over two months now, and he's even gotten it trimmed since the picture was taken. Dashing man, no?
  17. Hey all! I just wanted to tip everyone off to the fact that Will Avery's campaign site, www.averyforgeorgia.com, is up and running! We hope you can visit the site, and sign up to volunteer, or help support the campaign through your generous donations. The website is a work in progress, and the Blog will be launched soon as well, as well as more content in YouTube, Flickr, and Facebook!
  18. Hope everyone had a relaxing Memorial Day weekend! I just wanted to make sure everyone here was formally invited to Will Avery for HD-19 Campaign Kickoff! It will be held this Saturday, June 5, from 11 am - 2 pm at Leggett Park, right off of the Silver Comet Trail. Will and Laurien will be providing some light snacks and some water and sports drink (for those of you tired athletes coming off of the Trail), but we encourage you to bring a picnic lunch and enjoy the great outdoors! If you happen to have any questions about the event, feel free to email Will (will@averyforgeorgia.com
  19. I just wanted to let everyone know that there will be an opportunity coming up to meet Will Avery, a candidate for House District 19, at his official Kickoff Picnic on June 5, starting at 11 am, at Leggett Park. For anybody with a Facebook account, there's an "Event Page" that you can look at for more information, which has the URL http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/event.php?eid=114310445275886&index=1.
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