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Everything posted by misterpolitics

  1. Frankly, your baseless attacks are getting quite old. Will's friend (me) who also happens to be his campaign manager (because of our friendship) used to volunteer (while a college student) for an organization that you do not agree with. I already said I would not be a part of it today, but this is seriously getting to be a stretch. Will has never been a part of an Obama-named organization, just me. If we're going to use those standards, then we should hold Paulette accountable for Glenn Richardson's actions, which I think is equally as absurd. Will is not an Obama Democrat, and frankly ne
  2. Even if Democrats were to keep the House, she would be gone. Frankly, I'd vote for someone else. She's a different ilk of Democrat, and though she may be hard-nosed, the Democrats don't need a "San Francisco liberal" representing us, because most Dems (myself included) are not that type.
  3. No, I have been staying in neighboring Cobb County, which I also believe is your current place of residence. And I'm not exactly sure what my dog has to do with anything here, but he's fine, thank you. I'm not sure how you know his name, or that I have one, but evidently you have an issue with his name. His middle name was a joke, really. My girlfriend and I (both Democrats) adopted him, and when we told her mother (a Republican) she jokingly asked "His name's not Obama, is it?" So we jokingly responded "No, that's his middle name." It kinda stuck. Not that we call him that ever. It
  4. I can't speak to the Facebook thing. Ask him about that, not me. I can tell you that he usually calls me "Steve," and I call him "Will." I cannot name a single person who has ever referred to me by "Mr. Politics." I am not sure exactly why you are in shock. I have been associated with many different things. I was on Jeopardy! when I was in high school. I also actively work to advocate on behalf of people with disabilities, and have participated in some pretty amazing programs to that effect, including a cross-country bicycle ride that raises $500,000 annually for groups. And yes, I
  5. I think, perhaps, this was surepip's veiled point to make.
  6. Naturegirl, you are making some very hefty assumptions. I feel Will and I know each other quite well. I posted here on my own volition, and did not tell Will because I wanted to be able to post my own two cents. He had no reason to ask me if I was posting on P-com, frankly, and you are taking something that amounts to me posting on a local blog into some sort of conspiracy theory. You can think whatever you want, but I don't like to lie, and I'm telling you the truth this time, too. I also want to correct this whole "college student" thing right now. Will worked out of college as an a
  7. The only piece of advice I can give is that I was driving on 41 yesterday in Marietta, and I happened to see the Blue Angels for a few seconds. Pretty cool, but I doubt you'll get a full view.
  8. I also would like to note that Will has not (nor will he be) paid me a dime. I'm a volunteer because I'm his friend. I don't think I ever told him that I volunteered for Obama in 2008. I also feel like there are some misconceptions as to what I actually do. I do not work with policy at all. In order to win an election, a candidate has to contact voters, and that's something I have done before. My main job is to monitor voter contact, enter it into a database, and use the results. Campaign Manager is a nice sounding title for a job, but is not what you think, at least not on this camp
  9. Since this post is directed squarely at me, I will answer the question for you. Yes, I am Will's friend and Campaign Manager. And yes, my name is Steve Golden (no relation--I've asked). Will did not know I was posting on this site, and I only told him that I was today. Everything I have said here on P-com has been my opinion and mine alone, and does not represent the campaign or Will at all. Let me tell you about myself. I met Will first, and became his campaign manager second. We bonded over the fact that we are both musicians, both have parents who are educators, and over a few oth
  10. And what's to say that Will and his friends don't talk much about politics? And saying you have nothing in common seems a bit harsh. Politically, sure, but are there not other levels on which you can relate? Religion? Pop culture? Sports? What do you know about how Will and his friends have met? What they talk about? Where they hang out? This is why I think it's dangerous to talk about friends, because unless you are the friend, you don't get the dynamic of the relationship. If and when Will gets elected, his job will be to vote on issues of the day, not hold high tea with his
  11. I would agree. People deserve to know the candidate. But I think that attacking someone based off of their friends' beliefs is insane. I would agree with your statement "not just what he says while he/she is campaigning but how they think and to what degree they are willing to go against their own party for the good of the people," but what does Will's friends have to do with that? Think about this yourself. Let's say you were running for an office (hypotheticals are fun, right?). Would you want people to judge you based on your friends, or yourself? What they do and believe, or what yo
  12. Then perhaps you would not mind if Will starts investigating Paulette's friends and supporters? Maybe one of them has a criminal record. Is that relevant to you? If we are going to reduce this race to pure idioms, then I think I've made my point here. Birds of a feather may flock together, but I'm a Democrat, and my two best friends in the whole world are hardcore Republicans. We fight constantly about politics, and frankly, that's half the fun.
  13. Nah, my friends that are Socialists (less friends and more people that I am friendly with) are from my college circles. My point is that one's associations (and friends) really should not play a role here. As I said, we all associate with many types of people. Unless I am missing something about this oft-mentioned friend, like he has plans to overthrow the government, and Will is somehow complicit in them, I just fail to see how this affects the race at all. It's a baseless attack on someone. Frankly, I like people with a diverse array of friends and aquaintances. Makes life more inte
  14. And what says that his friend is a socialist? I mean has anyone here met him/her? Have you talked to him/her? Do you know his/her political beliefs? Or just who they voted for? At this point, it just seems to me that you are reaching for some serious straws, and no matter what anyone says, you're on Team Paulette. That's okay, but I think we should all think a second. What do we actually know, and what is pure conjecture?
  15. It's not like Will's friend is an international terrorist. I think it's exactly how it sounds, Will has a friend that, as a student, supported Barack Obama. Seems pretty straightforward. Last time, in our democracy, it was legal for people to support other people. Just because Will has a friend who did, does not mean that Will did. Can I ask you if you know anyone that voted for Obama? If so, then can I question your political beliefs? That's my point, and I'm also bringing this up because many people on this very site (Madea & NewsJunky in particular) made it clear that they did
  16. ...why should it matter who Will's friends are associated? I have friends that are Tea Partiers, and friends who are legitimate Socialists, and Lord knows I don't agree with either of those groups. I think you're grasping for some serious straws here, and by bringing people's friends into this, you're dealing in dangerous (and irrelevant territory).
  17. You want me to list off all of the Democrats in the State House that often vote with the GOP?
  18. Barnes fessed up to the mistake, and corrected it. For that matter, the mistake was one of overpaying, not underpaying. Barnes has been critical of the fact that Deal has not released his returns in full, which he has. Taxes is a broad issue, and what Roy is calling Deal out on is different from this.
  19. Thanks for all of your comments. As people here likely know, I too know Will, and everything you have said about him is true. He very much cares in Paulding County, and as a father with a family, he has a personal investment in the community. He wants what you want-- the best, most sustainable Paulding County we can have
  20. Well then you and I understand, at least. And there is some confusion as to if she had to enter in a plea or not, and what the applicable law was at that time. That could account for some confusion.
  21. Nathan Deal is an absolute joke. It's beyond comprehension that people are willing to look past the fact that he is a cheat and a crook just because he's a Republican. Let's give the guy who can't even hire a good accountant control over the state- great idea.
  22. I think everyone understands the difference, Madea. She didn't enter a nolo plea, because the diversion program didn't require it. The prosequi came into being because she completed the program, and therefore prosecution was dropped. That being said, she also did not absolve herself of guilt. She did, however, "forget."
  23. I would hope that Animal, as well-intentioned as he may be, would not sour you on a candidate. I am not sure how often Will and Animal talk, but my best guess would not be very often, but what do I know. I understand there is always "interpretation" to be had, but there are some facts in play here. Paulette, in being asked to respond, said she just "forgot" about the arrests (both of em, apparently), which I personally think to be wholly irresponsible. As far as I know, these things were not disclosed even to her closest supporters, which are people who need to know. Perhaps she could
  24. I have met Daniel on many occasions, but though he may have had different views on a number of issues than I do, he's one helluva guy. Sincere, passionate, and his heart is in the right place. I even discount the skeleton in his closet-- it was personal, and he fessed up to it, and frankly I don't think that who you "have relations with" makes a rip of a difference when it comes to governing.
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