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Everything posted by mrshoward

  1. That short lived regulatory rule has nothing to do with this crime. It has been illegal for the mentally ill to purchase guns since 1968 : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_Control_Act_of_1968#Prohibited_persons
  2. "Trump is literally Hitler and also Trump should take everyone’s guns."
  3. The school knew, the kids knew, his parents knew. the FBI knew... nobody cared. https://www.buzzfeed.com/briannasacks/the-fbi-was-warned-about-a-school-shooting-threat-from?utm_term=.qdYvPLzD6#.ak20OZB9A
  4. Red flags all over the place : http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5393897/Teen-gunman-banned-carrying-bag-Florida-high.html
  5. President Obama's Most Trusted Foreign Policy Advisor Denied Security Clearance By FBI : http://freebeacon.com/national-security/top-white-house-official-fire-denial-security-clearance/
  6. Another day, another death at the hands of an illegal immigrant : http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/02/13/grossly-impaired-illegal-immigrant-blamed-for-crash-that-killed-toddler.html
  7. Trump and the GOP are currently offering a pathway to citzenship for 1.8 million young illegal immigrants... Why won't the Democrats accept this compromise and help these people ? ? ?
  8. Thankful that Vanessa & my children are safe and unharmed after the incredibly scary situation that occurred this morning. Truly disgusting that certain individuals choose to express their opposing views with such disturbing behavior. - Donald Trump Jr.
  9. No, you are ignoring my actual position and attacking a strawman. Those young girls are being abused right here in the United States.
  10. I support a secure border and the eradication of MS-13 gang members.
  11. Weird how Pubby skipped over the whole second paragraph in the link...
  12. MS - 13 operates with impunity right here in the United States, primarily targeting those immigrant communites that you claim to care so much about : https://www.justice.gov/opa/speech/acting-assistant-attorney-general-john-cronan-s-opening-statement-white-house-press https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/protecting-american-communities-violence-ms-13/ https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/press-briefing-press-secretary-sarah-sanders-doj-acting-assistant-attorney-general-criminal-division-john-cronan/
  13. http://humantraffickingsearch.org/the-connection-between-the-mara-salvatrucha-and-human-trafficking/
  14. if it raises your hairs, it's probably worth a bit of investigation.
  15. Evan Blake Salon in New Hope... ask for Blake. It's expensive and very pink, but they do great work and they are nice people.
  16. I ran away with the Grateful Dead when I was younger and I have the tattoos to prove it...
  17. A lot of risk for a small amount of money, these people are very dangerous.
  18. JP Morgan and Disney announced higher wages and more bonuses today...
  19. New Marist Poll Shows Democrat Advantage In Midterms Plummeting...
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