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Everything posted by mrshoward

  1. And another false narrative bites the dust...
  2. I was objecting to CC's throwing the South under the bus for the California homeless problem... Two of a kind.
  3. I've been all over... rednecks are everywhere.
  4. Try again sweetheart, check the palm trees and mountains, that's California.
  5. They might want to build some housing and toilets for all those homeless people.
  6. People freaked and ran for cover because an official warning went out, not because Trump is president.
  7. Barbars Streisand also chimed in on the tax cuts, calling them "bupkis" and "practically nothing." These 2020 campaign commercials just write themselves...
  8. The clip speaks for itself : https://twitter.com/MattWolking/status/951536813591711746
  9. The Dixie Chicks were unavailable for comment...
  10. I'm only surprised that such a successful business woman would sabotage her ticket sales. People who are offended by the word "Dixie" don't typically vacation in Pigeon Forge or Branson...
  11. Wow, a lame and ignorant stereotype of Dolly's patrons. No tobacco or alcohol allowed... just fun family entertainment.
  12. Based on the public response, I predict a big decline in revenue... The overwhelming consensus of her customer base is unhappy.
  13. The overwhelming majority of "ordinary" people use the standard deduction. This legislation should push the number to well over 80% of households...
  14. Trump 2016 Oprah 2020 Chelsea 2024 Malia 2028 Bieber 2032 GREAT HUMAN-ROBOT WAR Cylon 2036 Keurig Machine 2040 GREAT HUMAN-ROBOT WAR II Al Gore Floating Head 2044 Reanimated Reagan 2048 Sexbot 2052 GREAT HUMAN-ROBOT WAR III Hillarybot 2056 END OF WORLD - Dave Rubin
  15. The Decline of Anti-Trumpism https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/08/opinion/anti-trump-opposition.html?action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=opinion-c-col-left-region&region=opinion-c-col-left-region&WT.nav=opinion-c-col-left-region When you've lost David "Milquetoast" Brooks, you are in trouble.
  16. Anyone who just watched the immigration meeting knows that the book is bullcrap...
  17. I don't have to agree with the Bundy's to recognize government misconduct. I did not agree with David Koresh, but what happened at Waco was a crime.
  18. Case dismissed, judge cites extreme predjudice in stunning rebuke.
  19. Trump signs bill to create Georgia's very first national historic park : https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/01/08/trump-signs-bill-upgrade-martin-luther-kings-birthplace-national-historic-park/1015174001/ https://twitter.com/photowhitehouse/status/950639623012798464 And the very first national park to honor a black man... Admission is free on Jan.15th MLK Jr. Day...
  20. For those interested in tabloid gossip... Wikileaks has the entire book up for free.
  21. New Rule Aims To Expand Insurance Coverage For Small Business : http://dailysignal.c...lion-uninsured/
  22. As of this morning... that is five false claims : https://twitter.com/markberman/status/949407967966834688
  23. "It's an easy sale when you have an eager buyer."
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