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Everything posted by mrshoward

  1. We could make tons of money with a giant slip n slide... just sayin.
  2. Already illegal under federal law : https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/922
  3. 75% of pork products are produced by just four large corporate conglomerates. Nice try.
  4. I have a policy of never voting for a tax increase.
  5. If you were honestly interested in protecting school children in our community... I would take the time to answer your question. You have not earned my time.
  6. It would also disarm the poor or make them criminals...
  7. I love it when the Puritans pretend to clutch their pearls...
  8. Nothing would have prevented Mateen or Cruz from obtaining a CC permit...
  9. Interesting... Pulse nightclub shooter had planned to attack Disney Springs : https://twitter.com/NBCNews/status/979049763399233536
  10. Not so young... From WaPo: only about 10% of March for Our Lives protesters were younger than 18. For those older than 18, the average age was 49.
  11. It was a joke, not a funny joke, but a failed attempt to be humorous. Don't know much about the guy, but this would not sway my vote either way. There was a time when everybody did not take themselves so damn seriously... I miss that time.
  12. Secure schools... But protecting children is not really the goal here is it ? ? ?
  13. Shhh... they are busy shooting themselves in the foot.
  14. Why did Democrats sabotage their own bill to fix the NICS database system ? ? ? https://hotair.com/archives/2018/02/28/wapo-senate-dems-torpedoing-gun-bill/
  15. His sister was murdered at Parkland. He wanted to speak at the rally. Where is the empathy ? ? ? http://dailycaller.com/2018/03/24/his-sister-died-in-parkland-he-wanted-to-speak-at-the-march-but-was-not-allowed-heres-his-message/?utm_source=site-share
  16. Here Are 8 Stubborn Facts on Gun Violence in AmericaEach of these facts is firmly based on empirical data. http://www.intellectualtakeout.org/article/here-are-8-stubborn-facts-gun-violence-america
  17. There's no such thing as an assault gun...
  18. Those ads are a major purveyor of sex trafficking...
  19. My kiddo just loves shooting targets with her trusty Daisy Red Ryder...
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