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Everything posted by mrshoward

  1. JUST IN: Dow, Nasdaq and S&P 500 open at record high.
  2. Director of the CDC : https://twitter.com/stillgray/status/942613960565473281
  3. Now pay attention to exactly what they are reporting, not just the sensational headline : https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/16/health/cdc-trump-banned-words.html?_r=0 Where is the proof or evidence that the "Trump administration banned words at the CDC" ? ? ? I read numerous reports on this story and cannot find anything that supports the above claim...
  4. That's not how this works... the onus is on the one making the claim to provide proof of veracity. Where is the evidence that the Trump administration banned the CDC from using those words ? ? ? "A wise man once said that you should never believe a thing simply because you want to believe it."
  5. Is this the same Newsweek who bullied a young boy and ridiculously accused Ivanka Trump of plagiarizing herself ? ? ?
  6. If it ain't Pedro Lopez... it ain't chili :
  7. I can't believe that people fall for this obviously fake news...
  8. A "Twitter" investigation conducted by adult bullies... Yeah, let's revictimize this poor boy all over again because his parents are the wrong kind of people.
  9. Kiddo is back home safe and sound... time to play in the snow.
  10. Puppies and snow... perfection. What's the name ? ? ?
  11. Seven years ago that study was thoroughly debunked as junk science... The Postman knows this well and continues to spread false information...
  12. A real tree, properly maintained, is no more of a fire hazard than a toxic plastic tree.
  13. Gifts are opened Christmas morning... Family gifts are wrapped, Santa stuff is not... Christmas Eve dinner is appetizers then lasagna... Big Christmas morning champagne breakfast... Traditional Christmas nap is at noon...
  14. REAL TREES ONLY ! ! ! My house smells so good right now... Pike Nursery... hands down, best trees.
  15. The Washington ComPost : White nationalists angered by Mexican immigrant’s acquittal in Kate Steinle’s killing https://twitter.com/washingtonpost/status/937080462056534016
  16. Been out Christmas shopping all day... the stores and restaurants are packed.
  17. There is a reason why Pubby did not link the top item...
  18. Three consecutive quarters of +3% growth.... the last time we saw that was 12 years ago.
  19. Now go read the story again...
  20. Matt ain't the only one with a rape button under his desk : https://twitchy.com/sarahd-313035/2017/11/29/welcome-to-the-rape-tower-former-exec-shares-weird-as-fck-detail-about-nbc-news/
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