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Everything posted by mrshoward

  1. The lurid deets : http://acecomments.mu.nu/?post=372744
  2. I don't see anybody else dropping the FU when confronted with new information.
  3. The Senate ethics committee is a truckin joke : "Between 2007 and 2016, the Senate Ethics Committee imposed zero sanctions against anyone. Zero." "The laws written by the Senate prohibit accusers from talking about settled complaints with the Ethics committee." Not a single Democrat has called for Conyers to resign...
  4. Democrat Congressman John Conyers sexually assaulted women, then used your tax-payer dollars to silence them.
  5. “I think it’s the worst I’ve ever seen, and I have been living in Baltimore my entire life. I don’t really feel safe anywhere anymore.” http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/baltimore-city/bs-md-baltimore-crime-reaction-20171117-story.html
  6. The comments about this poor family on social media are horrific and cruel. There but for the grace of God...
  7. Now that the Left's oxen are being gored, you want a return to presumption of innocence. That's cute... welcome to the witch hunt.
  8. "It took the press only 24 hours to revert back to their Clinton era talking points about how Democrat rapists are the good rapists."
  9. Hence the first word "breaking" in all caps... followed by the word "developing" at the end.
  10. BREAKING: House sources are claiming that 95% of the 15 million dollar Sexual harassment Hush money was paid out on behalf of Democrat representatives. Atleast one payout was to an underage boy (less than 16 years old) and his parents.....developing.
  11. The child was less than four feet away from his parents at the time of the accident.
  12. I am reading $215 million taxpayer dollars paid out in this kangaroo court... Forcing the victims to endure months of so called "counseling" ? ? ? Voters have the right to know about this sexual slush fund ! ! ! I want names now ! ! !
  13. So far, the number is zero. "I'll just be over here having dinner with my wife." - VP Mike Pence
  14. https://twitter.com/davidbockman/status/931232780473782272
  15. I'm reading rumors that Al Franken has some skeletons in his closet...
  16. The whole 9 yards... turkey, ham, mashed potatoes & gravy, stuffing, green bean casserole, pea salad, funeral potatoes, deviled eggs, cheese ball, olive & celery platter, french rolls, pumpkin pie, pecan pie, fancy cookies & fancy coffee, beer, wine & whiskey.
  17. Full circle : Rep says Congress paid out $15M to silence sex harassment victims http://nypost.com/2017/11/14/rep-says-congress-paid-out-15m-to-silence-sex-harassment-victims/ Taxpayers have a right to know these names...
  18. I do not even like Roy Moore and would not ever vote for him, but I recognize a professional political hit job when I see one...
  19. "Think about this. Judge Moore has run 5 statewide hotly contested elections over the last 40 years, NEVER a peep about any sexual impropriety." - Bill Mitchell
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