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Everything posted by rdr8887

  1. The glock will surely be cheaper than the 1911. The glock is a 9mm and the 1911 is a 45. Which gun that should be bought will depend on use. I'd say get him the 9mm glock if its his first handgun. Target rounds are much cheaper and the glock will last forever. The 1911 will as well if taken care of properly. An experienced shooter would want the 1911 because of the amount of future customization the gun allows. There are more accessories and options for that gun than any other made. However, I'd bet the difference in cost between the glock and the 1911 customized the way he wants would be
  2. There is now a sign up at the front of the neighborhood for anyone that wants to come. You can't miss it. If you need better directions, pm me or post here. Thanks and happy Halloween to all!
  3. Looks like we will be running from dark until about 11pm for those that would like to come. Bring your children, but those under 5 or 6 might be a little too young. My son is 5 and won't even walk through when its daylight. Lol. We will have plenty of candy. The charge for children will be 1 piece of candy. Should they make it out alive, they can have two in return..... ">
  4. The haunted house will be located in the Park Place subdivision. Its on Mt. Tabor near dallas acworth highway. Follow the crosses to the home. They will be set up on Halloween day. This isn't a huge haunted house but it should be fun. The kids loved it last year. Please use caution when driving through the neighborhood and have fun. We may have a few activities like bobbing for apples or something else. Just depends on how much time we have left. I will update you with more information as it gets closer to the date. Thanks!
  5. The DOT will take the signs. If they are near a road, they are usually placed within the county right of way. They take the signs and trash them when/if they see them. Many people avoid this by placing the signs out Friday night and removing them on Sunday night. The DOT doesn't work on weekends. You can place them in your yard though. Usually a city ordinance or neighborhood rule will prevent keeping these up for more than 30 days. Examples of this would be contractor signs. Hope this helps
  6. Each side typically pays half. Depending on judgement, the losing party could be forced to cover arbitrarion expenses of the winner. This would be similar to litigation where you can try and sue for litigation expenses as well. Either way it costs much less, it's faster, and the results are legally binding.
  7. Arbitration is a good thing. It saves you both,mEmployer and employee, from the costs of litigation. You have an unbiased 3rd party, familiar with the topic, to make a judgement. The clause is meant to save time and money. This will also limit the amount of useless claims employees make against their employers. It's really not a big deal...
  8. If he is/was a good friend, you really should give him 30 days to get a new place situated. You'd want the same if the shoe was on the other foot. But get something in writing in case he is no longer a friend so you don't have to go through an eviction process. Good luck. The situation is probably a difficult one.
  9. You might want to try going over there and talking with them. Maybe get another neighbor fed up with it as well. You might find they are reasonable people and will stop if you ask.
  10. That's actually a really good idea. I told my son recently I would tell his friends about him being bad and he straightened up quick and it surprised me how much he didn't want his friends to know. There are creative ways to solve problems in behavior...I prefer to use more of these. To me, being switched wasn't about the pain. I could handle that. What sucked was having to walk around to find the perfect stick for my father to use on my behind. It was definitely more psychological than anything else.
  11. I bet he never got suspended again....lol
  12. And I am 28 if that gives you an idea of the times. My father is 70. I've done this before and been sorry about the results. Now I tell my son to go to his room because he is getting a spanking. While he sits and thinks about I cool off. I can usually get away with a small spank or none. The realization he did something wrong has already set in and he is sorry.
  13. This is how I was raised. I had to select my own switch. As I got older, I thought I was being smart with switch selections and I would get a bigger stick that was a month or so old so it would break after the first whack. I thought I was smart. But then my father would go get a fresh one from a tree and finish the task. Do I think my father abused me? No. Do I hate him for it? Absolutely not...it's lead to some funny stories I love to tell. Will I do it my son....probably not. Although I've come close lately. My son is 5 and pushing every limit he can. I'm waiting for something real
  14. Just do it. It's only 5 hours total. Bust your butt and impress. If they don't hire you, you haven't really lost anything. It's only a few hours and you are lucky to be given the shot. Now if they came back and asked for two weeks, well...that's a different story. But for 2.5 more hours, just do it.
  15. Just hit zero a bunch till they connect. Works for me....
  16. With small claims court, you get to list what you are suing for. Check - 350Fees -150Hassle - 1000 See, now you are suing for limit of small claims court. If they don't show up, you are automatically awarded a judgement. Keep in mind it also costs money to file liens. Make sure that you include those costs in your suit.
  17. The home inspector will likely find many repairs to be done. That's his job. I can find 2k worth of work to be done in a house only a couple years old. If the home is 10 or more years old, there will be much more to find. Try not to agree to fix repairs before you know what they will be. The buyer might end up trying to negotiate another 10k off the asking price.
  18. rdr8887


    I didn't know it was on. Might record it and watch it tonight. I met her parents while working on the renovations of her home. They really are great people. They told me a lot about how Aimee was doing during her recovery. I don't know how she kept a positive attitude through the whole thing. That was the first time I've voluntarily worked for free. It really was a blast and I'm still amazed at the speed everything came together. I'm glad I had the opportunity to help.
  19. Make sure you pull over somewhere well lit. Hopefully it's possible. The cops will need to be tolerant of this till these guys are caught. A standard police car would have several lights from the bumper up to the hood rack. These guys probably only had one. There are several folks driving around carrying something for these guys in their center console. If they keep doing this, they will pull over the wrong person....
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