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Cornerstone Chiropractic

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Everything posted by Cornerstone Chiropractic

  1. We, here at Cornerstone Chiropractic, hopes everyone has a blessed Thanksgiving Holiday.
  2. Call me crazy, but I miss the Paulding county I moved to in 1989. I MISS MAYBERRY!
  3. Thanks, girl! We are having a GREAT Day! We love our patients!!!
  4. We are having a BLAST!!! Come, take advantage of our Patient Appreciation Day and get your Initial Exam and X-rays.
  5. YAY! We will be all dressed up for Halloween! I can't wait ~ Patient Appreciation Days are SO FUN!!!
  6. Halloween Patient appreciation day Friday, October 29, 2010 * New Patients receive Initial Exam and any necessary X-Rays with a $25.00 donation to a local charity * **Free Adjustments for patients**
  7. Had a GREAT time today!!! Psst: Thanks for the HUG LPPT ~ An Event wouldn't be complete without it.
  8. We're having a free dinner tonight at 7:00PM ~ Jim N Nick's, Hiram. Anyone interested, call for details.
  9. I collected frogs for years but that got overwhelming and junky ~ If that's even a word. Now, I collect vintage BALL/MASON jars and I store my pasta and dry goods in them. I love them. I love the rustic look One day I will have a home that it actually fits in with the decor.
  10. Good Morning! Hope everyone has a TEEEEEEERIFIC Day!!!
  11. Those are good ideas. Also, colored leaves, of course, once they begin to fall and berries. Do you have a printer? You can find lots of free printables and clip art online. . . . If you have festive fall photos from the past of your family or scenic shots ~ pull those back out and pop them into some frames to use for decorations as well.
  12. Those are soooo cute!!! They remind me of the Roaring 20's/Big Band Era.
  13. Thanks for getting back with us, we were no way trying to apply that the other chiropractor was not knowledgeable. I apologize if that is how we came off. How is your back? I hope you are doing ok. We do see several people that work for Lockheed and that have Aetna as their insurance carrier. If we can be of service just let us know.
  14. There is a lot of truth in the advice to go and walk. Motion is life and if your spine is not moving properly it causes inflammation resulting in pain. However before you walk you need to realign the spine, relax the muscles, and rehydrate the disc(drinking water). Good luck, if you need any advise or help call our office.
  15. First I'm sorry that you are having such incredible pain and discomfort. I know you are probably frustrated and sick of this pain, I can only image how it as affected you life so far. It is a real tragedy that you sought out a chiropractor and they did not take x-rays, and explain to you the cause of your problem. However the best thing you can do is to come into a office that is focused on correcting the cause of the problem, and that will do a complete exam, consultation, and x-rays to determine the best way to help you. I know you possibly are frustrated with that chiropractor but do not ru
  16. Hawaiian Patient Appreciation Day TODAY!!! 8:00am – 11:00am 3:00pm – 6:30pm FREE Adjustments for Patients!!! All New Patients get their Exam, X-rays and Consultation for FREE!!!! Tell Your Friends ~ Family Donations will go to CAYA Missions. They are building a school in Africa. Any donations will be appreciated.
  17. I Love Sunrises and Sunsets. . . but recently I have come to love and appreciate the clouds and all their beauty. They have attracted my attention so much so that I have begun taking pics and posting them on my FB. I Love the wonder of God's creation.
  18. YAY!!! Something fun to do Saturday night. Thank you, Dallas Theater
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