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Everything posted by sutler

  1. I was driving home from Rome on 278 and passed two Paulding Police cars sitting in the middle of the road Another mile down the road and two fast moving cars headed their direction and then two more fast moving cars heading the same direction. The moving cars had their lights on. Anyone know what was happening?.
  2. I get tired of painting the ones we have.
  3. I thought about changing from the original wooden garage doors to aluminum doors. Any opinions on this? Any guess at cost? Any good companies?
  4. Do you have any personal issues with this model or just Buick?
  5. The evaporation coil which was under the dashboard/front console had to be replaced. I got two estimates and went with the cheapest. I know from past experiences with Buicks that they tend to have transmission trouble eventually. Now the car will start running hot, the RPM's go nuts and I have to push the gas pedal down to get any speed. I have been told it could be the master cylinder or something in the ABS that may be locking up the fron left and rear right brakes.
  6. I have done some research and the views seem to be split on the reliability of the car. I am afraid to use it for a long trip or out of town trip.
  7. AC work that was unusual that cost $1200 and now a possible issue with the ABS system that randemly locks up the brakes. Total possible repair cost could be $1200 to $1500 for that. It is a 2004 Buick Rendesvous.
  8. When should you consider buying a new car? My car is seven years old but only has 55,000 miles on it. It is having some issues with major repairs needed. I just put $1200 into it and may need to put another $1500 into it. Is it time to trade or pay the repair bills?
  9. What was the name of the place?
  10. There are bad, fair, good and great teachers in every city, county and state. I can't say if Georgia has the worst teachers because I don't know of any viable assessment that determines that. The system can both determine and change the results of what teachers do in the classroom. You should also remember that the parents, environment, etc. have an effect on the students success.
  11. Why do you think Georgia teachers are the worst in the U.S?
  12. I agree with many of the comments expressed so far. I have seen threats, harassment, poor management, etc by administrators with them always getting away with it and some getting promotions. Teachers in Paulding County have expressed concerns to the board office with no action taken, even though there were witnesses. There are some serious problems in education. We are lucky that many people choose teaching because they enjoy working with kids. It's a shame that they can't get the support they need.
  13. It's tough to win in any auto purchase situation. I know that when I would make an offer on a new car and they wouldn't take it, I walked away. I had a friend tell me that their husband, who sold cars, said that one trick they play was to say "I will check with my business manager" and most times they are getting a drink of water and then they come back and say this is the best we can do. I used to go to several dealers to check prices but that cost me money and time. Several people told me to shop online at dealers and that price would be better then what you get if you went to the lot.
  14. Where is Bradford's?
  15. Who is good in Dallas/Hiram?
  16. I understood it was three "news groups" that wanted the list of names.
  17. Corruption goes on at the highest levels. I remember one administrator talking about how good one superintendent was at politics but be careful and stay out of their way. It really seems like it's the kids that are neglected to fulfill other concerns. Teachers are at the mercy of their principals in many ways and even in this county, the board office lets things get by. It probably goes on a lot more then you would think.
  18. I spent the money for the sleep test. They tried two different masks on me but I could never adjust to using one. Discomfort, noise and couldn't fall asleep were my big problems. I gave up but according to my wife, I am not having some of the issues now. just luck.
  19. Cherry Humps= chocolate covered cherries (two) with cordial cream. It was a small candy bar but good.
  20. I thought more people would jump on this and express their opinions. BTW, I think Russia was in the same position before they went under, financially speaking. maybe a history expert can confirm this.
  21. The U.S. is presently in some type of military action in more then one country: Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, to name a few. We have armed men attacking the American citizens along the Mexican borders with seemingly little control over them. Should we consider closing down the military action in foreign lands and bring them home? Then place them along the border to protect Americans.
  22. I shop at Publix for the meat and produce. I think they have the best around here. I shop at WalMart for everything else because they are cheaper. The prices are controlled more by gas prices and the original cost, in my opinion.
  23. sutler

    Neal B.

    Many times people do not like the truth. You see it all the time in schools and local government. I do not even like driving in Atlanta even though I worked in downtown Atlanta as a teen.
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