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Everything posted by Spucketts

  1. Rush takes the pulse of his listeners and then spoon feeds them. Yes he's a capitalist, he's got to keep the prime demographic happy to satisfy the advertisers and keep the money rolling in. He the same as John Stewart, Stephanopoulos, and a host of other TV and radio talking pukes. "What do we have to say to get paid??" There's no money to be made in being truthful or unbiased.
  2. Rush Limbaugh is peddling a product, namely, Rush Limbaugh. I listened for three years and one day came to the conclusion that it was just all about him. Haven't listened to him for 10 years...
  3. Seems that everyone named Sam sports an apron at work...
  4. I don't like the government saying what you can and can't do with your property. But, in my last subdivision, the guy across the street sold to a couple that ended up having his brother, and two or three non-relatives move in with them. One guy was a mechanic so there were always extra cars parked in the driveway so the others parked in the street. They couldn't get in the garage because it was packed with furniture and boxes. People were coming and going at all hours and you never really knew who actually lived there as the tenants changed on a regular basis. I'm of the opinion that a propert
  5. The Braves are in the playoffs? Talk about total lack of attention, you had to flip through several pages of the AJC to find anything in last Sundays paper. I read yesterday that the Braves were 21st out of 30 in attendance this year. A conversation goes like this, "Go Dawgs!", "Whats wrong with the Falcons?" "Who? The Braves are in the playoffs?". Now my Pirates, Tuesday night was fun. "Kway-----tow! Kway----tow!" And he actually drops the ball!
  6. I don't really care the reason you came at me with your car, texting, playing with the radio, taking care of the kids, spilled your drink, just not seeing the biker, if you come at me and threaten my life, I will react. I know riders that carry and I know riders that have pulled their weapon after they were threatened by someone in a car. This is a video, not a TV show, it doesn't start at the beginning and end at the end. At around 20 seconds of the video the rider who gets bumped is already at the window of the SUV getting in the guys face. Why? They say the group was trying to stop traffic
  7. A couple of things, when the Japanese went into business in the US it was Japanese companies that brought in Japanese made products. Datsun, Honda, Nikon, all the electronic companies... All this Chinese stuff is coming in through American and other international corporations that are dumping their homegrown employees. There is a difference. Secondly, most of the jobs lost were filled, the problem wasn't a lack of workers or people willing to do a job. Look at what happens today when a manufacturer opens their doors, the line for employment goes around the block. West Georgia was a hub for tex
  8. Yeah, the number I read was some 6 million manufacturing jobs lost between 2000 and 2009 so I realize the American middle class is shrinking. But the middle class, and therefore the market, is expanding elsewhere. The original idea was to open markets in China and similar so that we could build here and sell there. Problem is, they couldn't afford to buy there and most American products were out of reach for the average Chinese, Indian, etc. How do you fix that? Build your plant there and export to the US. The savings on labor/production offset the costs of shipping so Americans still get prod
  9. Some numbers: China, India and Brazil account for almost 40% of the total world population, the US just 4.45%. Why would, say a manufacturer care if the American middle class stays strong?
  10. No doubt it's renewable. But it took eons to generate the known supply and only 100 years to use half of it up (that occurred some time between 2006 and 2012). Let a faucet drip in a full bathtub and pull the stopper, it'll still empty. And yeah, wells will regenerate as it's not possible to get every drop out of one and applying new technology to old wells can be beneficial.
  11. But you're assuming the middle class has or is shrinking and it hasn't, it now lives more and more in China, India, South America, etc. so the market for products still exists (and it exists closer to where the products are being manufactured). Corporations, as a general statement, are doing fine despite a shrinking American middle class. So why should they care?
  12. On ethanol, petroleum isn't like corn, you just can't grow more and it will run out some day. You can supplement now or try and run on 100% corn later. Question, does a corporation need a robust American middle class?
  13. If they're still following you do. You don't let them follow you home. And as to your last comment, it's quite clear why you feel the need to be armed at all times.....
  14. From the transcript: No you go in straight through the entrance and then you make a left, uh, you go straight in, don't turn, and make a left. (expletive) he's running. Dispatcher He's running? Which way is he running? Zimmerman Down towards the other entrance to the neighborhood. Dispatcher Which entrance is that that he's heading towards? Zimmerman The back entrance…(expletive)(unclear) Dispatcher Are you following him? Zimmerman Yeah. From the sounds of the 911 call it sounds like he's running. But OK, lets say he's not, the dispatcher
  15. The situation I described is based on statements George Zimmerman makes in his 911 call, in his taped interview with police and in his video reenactment he made the day after the shooting. He sees someone, he follows, he loses him behind the mailboxes/pool, he finds him again. He follows again and the "suspicious guy" walks back "checking him (Zimmerman) out", then runs and George runs after till the dispatcher tells him they don't need him to follow. I don't know if these are facts but they're the statements Zimmerman makes.
  16. I haven't had a ticket in over 10 years, no accidents in over 20. But I've never assaulted a police officer, had to take anger management classes, or had a restraining order taken out on me. Passed behavior is an indicator of future behavior. And his wife leaving him the day before certainly would have an impact on his emotional state the day of the shooting. How this guy passed a background check to get a concealed carry permit is beyond me.
  17. You don't understand the Stand Your Ground law as it doesn't have to be on your property. Stand Your Ground states that if you're out, lets say walking back from the grocery store, maybe talking on your cell and some creepy guy starts following you. You lose him but he finds you again. You run and he gets out of his car and chases you. Stand Your Ground states that you have the right to defend yourself no matter who's property you're on.
  18. Since his acquittal two months ago he's been stopped twice for speeding and was ticketed for doing 60 in a 45. I didn't realize that his wife had left him the night before the Martin shooting, that's why she wasn't home.
  19. The employee has invested their time and any good company knows you have to get the workers behind your product, they are involved in the process that resulted in profit. Would you go to McDs if your burger always came out with only half a bun, or undercooked meat? If I work somewhere and profits went up, you better believe I'm walking in asking for a raise. I never said they have to give it. Of course if they don't, I have the right to walk or find another job or work as a disgruntled employee. And of course I'll tell anyone who'll listen that it's a crappy place to work. If applications stop
  20. McDonalds is making a substantial profit off an employees work, can't that employee try and make more profit off their work?
  21. From a New York Times article reporting last quarter of 2012: McDonald’s reported a fourth-quarter profit of $1.38 billion, or $1.33 a share, up almost 11 percent from $1.24 billion, or $1.16 a share, a year earlier. Revenue rose 10 percent, to $6.82 billion from $6.21 billion.
  22. Why control or censor what's on TV when you can find anything you want on the internet, it's not held to any standard. The www is the game changer.
  23. My kids like Chef Boyardee products, if I buy 6 individual cans it counts as 6. If they're packaged as a shrink wrapped item its one, one pass through the scanner. Since we're complaining, what about those that do split orders? "Oh no, that's a different order and I'm paying differently" then don't pull out their card until everything's in the cart? When do you run your card? I run mine as soon as the first item is rung up. That way it frees up my hands so that I can help move the bags from the carousel to the cart. I hate it when someone stands there like a bump on a log until everyt
  24. It has to do with how many times the scanner at the checkout has to beep. A 24 pack of Coke is one item but if it's open and they scan each can it counts as 24. I once thought I was being smart at Sams Club. I got in line behind a person that had a float loaded to the top with only 3 different things, water, soft drinks and something else boxed. You punch in the count and scan one of each, right? Wrong! She scanned each, 24 waters, 18 Cokes, 23 candy.....
  25. I worked at a country club for 3 years while in college, bartending, barbacking, bussing tables, worked in the kitchen, valet, whatever needed done in and around the club house. In this case our clientele wasn't general public but families that paid big money to be a member. You want to deal with someone, try a high profile member (a judge) that just shot the worst game of his life and had to write a hefty check to the winner, who's now half drunk and his sandwich shows up a few degrees off from his perfect temp. Or deal with the mother of the bride, who's special little darling is marring tha
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