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Everything posted by Spucketts

  1. Anyone have problems with the quality of the county's water? I'm constantly having to clean out the screens behind the shower heads which clog with some kind of gunk, for lack of a better word. Also, I had a dishwasher, installed less than a year ago, stop working due to gunk stopping the overflow float from allowing the unit to fill. Is this something the water system would address? Thanks
  2. I work in D'ville and lived in the northwestern part of the county for over 10 years. Now I'm in southeastern Paulding. Unless absolutly necessary I avoid Douglasville shopping. As previously mentioned in other posts, traffic on the northern side of Douglasville is horrible and the train tracks only make it worse, there's no way to avoid the trouble spots without doubling your travel time. The stores, such as Kohls, Target, are smaller with less selection and travel between store complexes was poorly planned. The people are night and day, those in Douglasville aren't necessarily rude as much a
  3. According to the owner of R&R, he had a fleet or at least access to a fleet of boats in the gulf and this was his source for seafood. When BP had their....accident....prices went through the roof and he couldn't afford to put fish on the table so he went after the BP money. Closed the store in Oct I think. There is now chatter on facebook that he's going to try and open inside the Spotlight but it will be seperated from the smokey bar by a wall. By the way, it was good. Great food, oysters, scallops, cold-cold beer,,,only complaint was sometimes the service was slow.
  4. My post wasn't a comparison of my observations to the photos provided, it was a post that it seems these days these aerial phenomena are more intense and better defined. Possible causes could be current weather conditions, additional particulate matter in the atmosphere, different levels of gases, or just old age on my part.
  5. I was there about two weeks ago in the afternoon and there was no wait.
  6. Ice crystals in the clouds refracting light. I've seen two rainbows here recently and for some reason the colors seem more intense and the structure is better defined.
  7. 92 south from Pine Valley to Douglasville is open and no bussier than usual.
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