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cookies are sweet

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Everything posted by cookies are sweet

  1. Nope, never heard of them. Cute kid though.
  2. Mine are going the other way. The wife's work great if I am 3 rooms away and am mumbling something about her under my breath, but don't seem to work to great when I am 3' away and speaking directly to her.
  3. Got it skiing did she? Glad she is on the mend.
  4. Good for her! What did she do again? Tear her rotator cuff? When will she be able to start pitching again?
  5. People who get off on hurting others for no other reason than it makes them feel better about themselves and their egos and to top it off, with lies and innuendo. Oooops, this is supposed to be about little things.........hmmmm......rumor has it, they have a little thing, so maybe it does fit this thread.
  6. I can guess who is a (deleted word) (no not a curse word) rumormonger. Reading your post, I am reminded of a a quote from Joseph Welch; "Let us not assassinate this lad further, Senator; you've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?" I ask you, "Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?"
  7. Are young girls in bikinis part of deal? BTW, at my age, anything between 20-40 is young. (ok, 20-50)
  8. That is the big problem. BTW, I wasn't intending to imply it shouldn't be taken seriously, but I'm sure this worries parents more than the kids, simply because kids never think anything bad will happen. Parents know bad things happen.
  9. You mean like the Crips and the Bloods? How bad a gang member do you have to be to be sent to Paulding County Ga? "Look Tupak, you just haven't been working out here, so we are going to send you to our Dallas, GA field office for more training." I don't know the history of PCHS, but my son did attend during Seagers's term. I did not always agree with Mr. Seagers, but I don't remember a lot trouble during my son's 4 years. I hope they are able to stop this kinda of crap. I dare say that it raises the parent's blood pressure a lot more than the kids, but I understand why..
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zn0ecHHHUGo
  11. I find that it's the little things that seem to make me nutty. You know, those things that in the great scheme of life don't even rate a blip on the radar, but yet get my blood pressure up. Here are a few examples: The people who throw the newspapers, flyers and ads in the driveway or post them on the mailbox. Kids who wear their pants low on their rears. Thanking the cashier for taking my money, while they ignore me. The wife squeezing the toothpaste from the middle or the top or wherever she grabs it. (I mean come on, how hard is it to squeeze from the bottom?) Places that say the
  12. Can't we take all these millions and just distribute the money to the tax payers of Paulding? I will be happy to help decide who gets how much. (rhetorical question)
  13. Hard to say which end of the leash has the lazier one attached.
  14. There are 8 quotes, 4 of these quotes are generic and 4 of these quotes were said by 4 separate people. Can you match the 4 quotes to the person who said them? "The check is in the mail." "Trust me........" "For the record, there have never been nor will there ever be a secret meeting." "The dog ate my homework." "Of course I'll respect you in the morning." "..no airliners here..and believe you me, if there was going to be airliners, I would not be a part of this...never ever would I be a part of this..." "I'm absolutely, 100 percent, not guilty" "I am not a crook."
  15. As long as we get a KK, I'm happy. (I can't eat them around the wife, the doc has her convinced I'm diabetic and she has gone waaaay overboard on the no sweets thing)
  16. After watching the video, these phrases came to mind, not sure why. "The check is in the mail." "Trust me........" "For the record, there have never been nor will there ever be a secret meeting." "The dog ate my homework." "Of course I'll respect you in the morning." "..no airliners here..and believe you me, if there was going to be airliners, I would not be a part of this...never ever would I be a part of this..." "I'm absolutely, 100 percent, not guilty" "I am not a crook."
  17. Walmart. Easy to fill, easy to clean.
  18. Now that hurts my feelings, but don't think there aren't people out there, that for the right price, will let me eat their cannoli.
  19. What happens between Papi's cannoli and how enthusiastic I may or may not be, is between Papi and me. I have always been a supporter of don't ask, don't tell. I can say this, I am sure there are many who would eat Papi's connoli. Several have already commented on how good his connoli looks.
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