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Everything posted by Harlee71

  1. Here now and the salsa is nice and spicy!
  2. It is an applicator. Anyway. The toe is swollen as my big toe and now atleast 5 different colors. It feels much better today though. Thank you all for your concern! Those of you making fun of me, well obviously you have never broken your Pinky toe. I imagine this would feel worse though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_h93r2PKEs&feature=related
  3. No problem as long as they are under 1 and over 18 Anything in between is off limits. If they are are over 18 then the party really gets started!
  4. Sauted Chicken breast Steamed cabbage corn Cantaloupe for dessert.
  5. Well, the toe is now straight. I think I will live, but it was touch and go there for a few moments. It is taped and I am alternating between a few Tylenol and ibuprofen every few hours to take the edge off. I was pretty sure there was nothing I could do for it. Thanks for the advice. OH, and to the PCOMER who PM'ED me and told me to rub some Vagisil on it and man up...Remember I know where you live!
  6. Weather was fine here in New Hope. Yes that was crazy.
  7. Pinky toe? Sum of a Bish it hurts! I kicked in on the corner of the ottoman earlier tonight and now its swollen and about 3 different shades of blue/green/purple. I had to drink about 4-6 more beers just to take the edge off the pulsing in my foot. Tomorrow I guess I will just tape it up, pop a handful of ibuprofen and tough it out. But damn that little toe hurts!
  8. Small world, I lived in puyallup area as well. I lived was there for the big earthquake as well.
  9. Being on a diet was tough today. After working in the garden for 6+ hours today we contemplated chinese or pizza since neither of us wanted to cook. In the end we chose subway. I is good, quick, tasty, somewhat healthy and cheap. Oh and Damn my head is sunburned! I didnt wear a hat or sunscreen, and it is freshly shaved. It will be sore and red tomorrow!
  10. I moved to GA from that exact area 5 years ago. It does rain alot, it does get to you after a while, but it is a great place to live. During the summer get out of the house and enjoy the mountains and water! If you have any questions about the area I will be glad to answer what I can. Forks is a great place. I spent about 6 weeks a year there. Your not missing much, but if you like to hike and fish and watch wildlife and walk through rain (you heard me right) forests it is awesome!
  11. I can tell you who not to use. American out of Marietta! We use Waste Industries as well.
  12. I still have that swing frame if you still want it. I will be home all day.
  13. As long as your not a grunter, and use a towel to clean up your mess when your done, you should be ok.
  14. Can I be the club enforcer? And we need a secret squirrel handshake.
  15. I walk and wog the track and trail at MT Tabor Park a couple of mornings a week on Mondays Wed and Fridays. Anyone that wants to join up is welcome. Wog= walk/jog
  16. If this worked, do you think the big companies would pay to repress the technology?
  17. SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! It's an ancient Chinese secret! They are a great 3some.
  18. We bough for half of what we were approved for. We had a baby on the way and didn't want to over extend. Glad we bought cheaper. Not a perfect house, but much more affordable and able to spend more on the kids and still save some! We wanted 7 hills, but we knew the house bubbles was about to pop. Good thing we didn't! Our realtor was a friend, but she was still pushing the higher dollar areas.
  19. Found the Youtube version http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khK_QTWl5Nc Part 2 sorry for the subtitles http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaNGJul2FZ0
  20. I would love to see how this is going now. http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=6816773n
  21. Why not make a cap for the right amount to use. 1 cap for a small load, two for a big load. Problem solved!
  22. Then again that cheap vodka leaves a cheezety taste in your mouth too. He looks quite dazed and confused! The laughing cracks me up too!
  23. Lots of good spots on Allatoona.
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