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Everything posted by mevans_70

  1. Official Notice: Paulding County Republican Party to Hold Mass Precinct Meeting On Saturday, Feb. 12, 2011, at 10 a.m., the Paulding County Republican Party will convene precinct mass meetings to elect delegates and alternates to the Paulding County Republican Party Convention. This is in accordance to the Rules of the Georgia Republican Party. All Paulding County residents who are legally registered to vote and believe in the principles of the Republican Party are urged to participate in this process. Registration is without charge and will open at 9 a.m. on Feb. 12, 2011 and th
  2. Would love love love to come in for that deal. I'm glad you guys are doing well. I just hate that I can not shop there because I'm always at work in Fulton County during your business hours. Sounds like a wonderful offer though.
  3. Had eaten in Villa Rica once, and it was yummy. So my mom and I went tonight. It was very good - HUGE portions. We were there aroung 5:30, but by 6:00 it was full. By the way, they are normally closed on Mondays. But this coming Monday they will open since there will be so many extra folks in the area with the film crew in town. I promised the owner that I would post that tidbit for everyone.
  4. Bump/Reminder for anyone interested in meeting/hearing Dr. Barge. Meeting is tomorrow morning at 10am.
  5. The Paulding County Republican Women's Club is pleased to announce that the keynote speaker at our next meeting will be Dr. John Barge, GOP candidate for State School Superintendent. The Meeting will be held at 105 Village Walk, Suite 284, Dallas, Georgia on Saturday September 25, 2010 at 10 AM. Doors will open at 9:30. You do not have to be a member to attend and everyone is welcome. Refreshments will be served. Also note the following community service opportunity: The local food bank’s shelves are empty. The PCRWC is asking everyone who attends the meeting on Septemb
  6. He wasn't conservative enough to qualify as a Republican though. Not that it should be that way - but we ALL know that in GA and Paulding that is what you'd expect from a conservative candidate.... Republican, not Democrat.
  7. That's not the point of my post at all. I can't vote in this election. The voters did choose their candidate from among 3 Republicans to represent them. My post is about the fact that some of those "old regime" that folks like to talk about were disappointed in Stout winning because Paulding just elected another person to sit in Richardson's seat that also had an affair. Many folks on here were commenting about how unfortunate the results of the election were as well if I recall. They felt this was a bad image for the county - electing someone who admitted to an affair. Concerned
  8. You know CV - you're comments throughout this election cycle have been interesting,to say the least. The language is very much that of some of the folks I know at the Republican Party. And of course you are aware of the stink caused in February at the end of that election, and those that took issue to the language and postings of folks that disapproved of Mr. Stout winning because of the image of Paulding County that would be portrayed. Well - at least those folks had the decency to post as themselves in an open environment where you knew who they are. You could go to them and discuss
  9. I don't feel called to the carpet at all. I didn't make an excuse for molestation. I simply said there are times where a situation can be and is misunderstood. It doesn't apply to all cases. You guys just prosecute everyone without trying to think of the other side. I asked a question of the readers: Has anyone ever had to figure out when the time is right to change the way you show affection to your children or nieces/nephews? Did you ever feel awkward growing up with adults in your life as it was time to change the way they show affection to you? I did. I'm sure I'm not alone
  10. This isn't about the people helping the child being patient. It is about all of you folks being patient before crucifying them. Sometimes the accusation is true, sometimes it is not. We should be aware that both optioins are on the table in most cases, and not be so QUICK to judge. We must be PATIENT in waiting for the resolution. The child is obviously being taken care of as it should be at this time.
  11. I did not say this child is a liar. I did not say this child misunderstood. I am aware personally of situations where both of the above statements occurred. I am ONLY saying folks should be a little more patient before crucifying someone. Also, feelip - I 100% DO NOT molest children. My point was those sweet babies you love when they are young... there becomes a point where society/puberty/etc causes innocent attention to STOP. I don't want the kids to grow up to that point, but it happens. A natural progression of life. It was actually a very logical post. Sorry you don't
  12. Agreed - especially the bolded part. That's why I was urging folks to not pass judgment so soon. We should at least give him the chance for the trial before anyone convicts him. And, based on so many cirumstances, we should be kind to the family. ALL of the family (the child, her parents, Beverly and the rest of the Cochran family). You and I are both aware from both sides of this how damaging it can be. Wrongly accused or not.... everyone there needs prayers at this time, not condemnation unless found guilty.
  13. And I also said the supposed issue was over 2 years old. The "concerned" family were obviously not very concerned were they? They waited until July during an election involving Beverly to do this. And I did say that there are bad folks out there that DO molest children, but that I have personal knowledge of more than 1 incident where the child WAS in fact lying. That WE should NOT be quick to judge and consider all sides.
  14. I really intend to stay out of this thread, but did want to comment on the bold above. The rumor I had heard was that the supposed issue was almost 2 years ago. If that holds true, then the speculation of dealing with it as soon as possible does come into play. I had felt that perhaps the "family" that brought this forward may have had an agenda tied to assuring she didn't win the election. Also, folks need to remember that normally during an "investigation" you are asked not to discuss openly. It was really a wait and see situation as far as what the investigation would find - as wi
  15. Somewhat obvious when brother shows up to speak on behalf of the mill increase that it is orchestrated, huh?
  16. Yes. I thought it was the citizens responsibility for quality of life. Now the government needs to be responsible for that too. Uh oh. The dissenters are up.
  17. I received notice on FB that the public hearing for the BOC meeting at 10 am is streaming live.
  18. Folks, let me clear this up for you. The Paulding Republican Party has monthly meetings, open for you to attend if you are interested. These are always held at the same time and place each month. This month's guest speaker is the Director of AFP. I put that in the first post. This is NOT a tea party. But, I hear that people in the COMMUNITY (not Virginia Galloway) are thinking of having one. If they so choose, they'll probably get the word out at that time. Next month's guest speaker is slated to be Congressman Phil Gingrey. If you have questions or comments, feel free
  19. The OP just put it out here on the "ever so popular" P'Com for people in the community to share with others that a meeting is taking place tomorrow - just like every 3rd Saturday of the month at 9am. The OP has also seen folks on here that were concerned about raising the mill rate AFTER the SPLOST was approved - as the board threatened that we needed to pass SPLOST so they wouldn't have to raise the rate. I'm not getting into a p----g match with anyone here. Just a post to let you know about the meeting. If you want to discuss with the gentleman that started the petition, or come to t
  20. Sorry smy, I don't really ever see or call David. You may want a separate thread as this is just a PSA to let folks know about the meeting and that I believe copies of the petition will be available there as well. The next board meeting is the 24th I believe.
  21. Bump for afternoon readers. Anyone interested in the petition to stop the property tax mill increase may also like to attend.
  22. For you Paulding County folks interested in lower taxes, less government, and individual liberty.... The State Director of Georgia for Americans For Prosperity will be speaking a the Paulding GOP meeting Saturday morning (August 21) at 9am. The meeting is at GOP Headquarters at Seaboard Drive off of 278. AFP Foundation is committed to educating citizens about economic policy and a return of the federal government to its Constitutional limits. AFP Foundation's educational programs and analyses help policymakers, the media, and individual citizens understand why policies that promote
  23. Yep - and voted on it so late in the day as to probably not impact too many folk's decisions in the runoff today.
  24. You really believe when property values start to climb the commission will entertain the idea of lowering the millage rate? And when companies take away benefits because the economy is tough, they give them back when things get better too. Watch the language - and get real.
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