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Everything posted by jennilyn77

  1. Thank you!! Oh, and i've done the car ride for sleep thing before. Problem is I always end up at a fast food drive through! which does not help my quest for weightloss.
  2. my husband receives gifts from some of his landscaping clients. sometimes baked goods, gift certificates or money. I know he dosen't expect anything but he appreciates it, and so do I! One of his clients gave us a $50 Walmart gift card and a homemade blanket for my baby AND my 13 year old after the big fella was born.
  3. I can assure you I hold my baby plenty. Let me be clear. I have a hard time getting my baby to sleep in his crib during the day. for naps. at naptime. When my baby is not sleeping, I feed him, hold him, talk to him, read to him, sing to him, play with him. I certainly hope I haven't come across as a neglectful mother. I was simply looking for tips from people who have been there, done that. My baby fights his sleep. it's that simple. just looking for ideas.
  4. Thanks everyone for the advice! you people are the best.
  5. cheesy hashbrowns hamburger helper, corn on the cobb and rolls.
  6. All I know is i'm 33, I have a 10 week old and I am worn the heck out!! Having my daughter at 20 was a completely different experience. I had a lot more energy back then. and I worked so I wasn't with her all day. Sometimes I just want to run for the hills. It's stressful but wonderful at the same time.
  7. be careful. I slid a little near the library and there was a truck in the ditch.
  8. oh lawdy! I had a mini heart attack when I read the topic title. I looked at the clock. I thought I had forgot my daughter!! again. She's only in middle school so this dosen't apply...
  9. too bad. I have no sympathy for him. I'm glad he's speaking out against dog fighting and yes he served his time but my guess is if he hadn't gotten caught he would still be torturing dogs. He dosen't deserve to be a dog owner.
  10. I considered it. I think he might be too big for any swing. If not already then soon. He's already 15lbs 25inches long!
  11. Don't worry Mrs.B, i'm sure your baby will sleep just fine. consider my baby issues as a lesson for you. I'm being helpful!
  12. having kids 13 years apart made me forget about lots of things. Including how hard it is to take care of a baby!!
  13. Which is why I thought maybe let him cry for a few minuets, go in his room, reassure him i'm there, put him back in his bed, repeat if necessary til he falls asleep. I wouldn't let him cry on and on. I couldn't handle that. I'm just looking for other opinions.
  14. He just started sleeping through the night, which is awesome but he dosen't fall asleep til about 10 and i'm usually so worn out by 8 i'm dying to go to bed. An advantage to getting him to go to sleep on his own would be an earlier bedtime.
  15. I started a bad habit by letting my baby fall asleep in his swing. He fights sleep til the very end and it's been the only way to get him to sleep. I felt he was too young to cry it out in his crib but he's 10 weeks now and quickly growing out of the swing. The next step will either be (1) rocking him in a rocking chair which i'm afraid would take for ever due to his fight to stay awake. (2)Walk him around til my back is breaking, (3) laying him in his crib and let him cry til he falls asleep. anybody have any advice to offer? How long should you let a baby his age cry? or should you not? opin
  16. I agree. Unless I was in a bad mood I probably wouldn't say anything. You never know, he could be a crazy like the guy at the school board meeting in Florida.
  17. we sit together. Just not at a table.
  18. I heard on the news that the V he spray painted on the wall was a symbol used in the movie V for Vendetta. The woman who hit him with her purse has quite a pair. She's lucky he didn't shoot her.
  19. My dad's name is Dick The jokes never stop at my house. If we are awake we are joking. we used to eat in bed too. I like to be comfortable while I eat. We have a table. we just don't ever use it.
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