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Everything posted by jennilyn77

  1. I would cherish a dinner by myself. Alone time is precious and rare. Thanks for asking.
  2. John Denver, but only if he agreed to sing for me.
  3. Easy, Johnny depp, for obvious reasons. or maybe Mr. Rogers. I like the way he thought about the world, perhaps I could learn something from him. Sorry, I know that's 2. I'll resist the urge to say my third choice.
  4. I won't be watching, but not because my standards are too high. I love trash tv. I just don't have time to watch it.
  5. so in order for me to have an opinion on a national news story, I have to personally know the parties involved? ok, good to know. How is Casey Anthony doing? I assume you had your opinion of her. you must know her. right?
  6. not at all. From everything I have read about the guy over the past months, he seems like a complete a-hole. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...I'm sorry if you don't agree with me. I don't take it personally I'm not sure why you are. I think there are very few teenage boys who wouldn't confront a man who was following them. By putting myself in the kids shoes, I can only assume he felt threatened, and had a right to question the person following him. I know I would feel a little unnerved if I were walking home and someone was following me. Perhaps he was standing his ground?
  7. Thanks for the examples. maybe he was headed down the wrong path, it's too bad he'll never get the chance to learn from his mistakes.
  8. why? Show me the evidence he was headed down the wrong path. I haven't made up my mind about zimmermans guilt or innocence, like som others here already have. I simply think the guy is a douche bag. I guess it's only okay for me to have an opinion on the matter if it matches yours? I am a fair minded person who can think for myself, I don't need sean hannity to think for me.
  9. huh? snarky much? was Trayvon in a gang? I must have missed that story.
  10. I don't agree that he was going down the wrong path, He was being a teenager. Teenagers think they are cool and do stupid things. I doubt he was a threat to your family. zimmerman is a douche bag and karma is a bitch.
  11. feelip is glad an unarmed teenager is dead and you're questioning postmans font? The Twilight zone is real y'all.
  12. It has nothing to do with the species of animal. Forcing your child to kill his pet is child abuse. People who abuse children deserve to go to prison.
  13. Yes! Chobani is the best imo. They make it for kids also, my baby loves it too.
  14. Especially when its involving your pet.
  15. ok, thanks! The people around here are so helpful.
  16. The Wonderbra made a liar out of me.
  17. How long do you roast corn on the cob? I've never done that.
  18. I'm with you, the woman is obviously a little sick in the head. I feel bad for the kid, but perhaps he is better off for the time being. I also feel guilty when I kill bugs, But I am a tree hugger, so its expected of me.
  19. yes, I had a vest, or 2. I had 2 9lb+ babies, I hate to think of what a onesie would look like on me today. I would definately need some vests.
  20. I made a bbq brisket in the crock, roasted broccoli, and mashed taters with bacon and carmelized onions.
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