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Everything posted by tbird

  1. Nothing like hitting a person when they are alreayd down--huh??? Just go back to your perfect little world and hope and pray that you never loose your job or have a serious illness that could put you in these same shoes. Karma is a bitch.
  2. If it can save your home--sometimes it is the route you have to take. I realize that not everybody agrees with BK--but sometimes it is truly a last resort. There are some instances where it cannot be avoided. We will give her all options in her case and will not put in a BK unless we know it will help her with her home and her future. WE ARE NOT MILL FIRM THAT JUST THROWS FOLKS INTO IT FOR THE $$$$$. I truly hope that you are never in that situation--but hey--99% of the folks that are or have been in BK never thought they would be either. Never say never--it sometimes comes back to bi
  3. Are you trying to lower your payment or take care of arrears??? Do you have a second mortgage??? If you have arrears and a second--our office can help. It is Bankruptcy (Chapter13), but your second mortgage can be stripped if there is no equity for it.
  4. Meatloaf Mac & Cheese (found Dave Poe's recipe online!!) Green beans Cole slaw Buttermilk Biscuits Waiting on the son and his family to get here--just took the biscuits out of the oven.
  5. Sit out a bowl of sunflower seeds laced with a little rat poison. In a few days--you won't have any at all.
  6. Yeah--guess I have to show up for work Monday!!! We were really hoping to see some grown men cry when all the girls (you know, the ones that do the work!!) didn't come back to work!!!
  7. Me and the girls in the office pooled and bought 60 tickets. I think we might have won $5.00. Couldn't believe it!!!
  8. I would assume that he will be charged with a kidnapping charge for each hostage--right??? And since all the hostages are talking about what a nice guy and everything--maybe they should be charged with harboring a criminal (or whatever it is called)---right??? Especially if they were all in that apartment pretty much partying and getting high. There are so many things wrong with what went down last night. I understand that they wanted the guy in jail---but to give him every little demand that he requested??? He proved what a chicken he was when he made his "hostages" walk out in f
  9. All he kept saying was he didn't want to die??? Did he ask the people that he shot if they wanted to die--did he??? Guess what Jamie Hood--you will get the death penalty and die anyway!! Didn't think about that--did ya???
  10. Ridiculous. Just goes to show that he is not as big and bad as he thought he was when he shot 2 policemen. Wanted to surrender on TV so they wouldn't kill him.
  11. I guess I was just lucky because all 3 of my kids were good sleepers. All of them started sleeping thru the night at 6 weeks old. Do you feed him ceral or something at night??? That has always helped. Mine started eating cereal at a month old (youngest at 2 weeks becuase he was a 10 pounder and the formula would not satisfy him). I know that a lot of Dr.'s now don't want you to feed them, but sometimes you have to anyway.
  12. As long as they don't touch General Hospital--I am good with it. Used to watch AMC, but got out of it several years ago.
  13. Try taking half a pill in the morning and then another half couple hours after lunch. No jitters, but still you aren't hungry and no problems sleeping.
  14. Good save--but there sure are a lot of BLEEPS tonight. I don't ever remember them having to do that before.
  15. DANG--we think way too much alike!!! I agree with every word you said!!!
  16. I have a feeling that it will turn out to be Carly that hit Jake--and then Elizabeth is gonna loose it with her. You know--kill my baby and then ask for his organs???? I am really tired of Carly---somebody really needs to put her in her place. And I have been watching GH since I was about 4 yrs old0---used to watch with my Granny when she kept me!!! (back in the early 60's).
  17. I don't like the french on my toes--again if just looks gross to me!!! I keep my toe nails cut real short and it drives the nail girls crazy!! I can't stand them anyways--so the shorter the better. I get an american manicure on my nails (which are my own--not fake).
  18. We went with either a 11 or 11.5 for my grandson who is 8 also. He is catching much better with it. We got his at Hibbetts for around $40???? Target used to carry some Mizuno. Ever since my older son played ball almost 20 yrs ago--I am sold on Mizuno. He would go thru 2 pairs of Nike cleats a year and then we started buying Mizuno and it only took one. He now plays adult softball and he is still buying Mizuno!!!
  19. I am impressed!!! There is nothing worse than a man with UGLY feet in sandals/flip flops. Men, for the most part, should save them for the beach!!! I have a really bad hangup about men in sandals. I was once set up on a date and when he showed up in sandals--that was the one and only date!!! And I am constantly ragging my boss when he comes in with sandals on the weekend---NASTY!!!
  20. I am pretty sure that the only way they can lock you up for a debt is if it is a secured debt (car, boat, motorcycle, etc) and you are hiding the collateral. They can then get criminal charges (theft, etc.) on you. I have seen many of them lately and when I worked in banking as a legal collector--we did it a few times. The best thing is to just give it up--you can always file BK and get rid of the debt, but it will not take care of criminal charges.
  21. Maui Beach---3 locations from Whitlock to Dallas. And I do the VIP membership and it is 38.50 a month for ANY bed that they have. Haven't beat their price yet. I can catch one of their locations on the way home from work, go to the one on Whitlock at lunch or hit the one at Dallas Walmart (in the Cato/Hibbetts strip)on the weekend.
  22. I like a peachy-salmon like color. They discontinued my favorite color, so I got to find me a new one!!! And I can't stand to see somebody with nasty feet. If you gonna wear sandals--get a pedi!!! And grown women over the age of 25-30 should not wear blues, purples, greens, etc. like the teenagers do. I don't care what age you are--the blue and green is just UGLY!!!!
  23. Depending on how the contract was written--they are probably adding late fees and maybe interest. Also--once something goes to a collection agency--they add at least a third of the balance as fees. All they have to do is have an attorney on staff and it qualifies them for attorney fees.
  24. I have found that the hummingbirds don't really come around here until the Mimosa trees are bloomed out in the woods. And for the ants--I hang my feeders on shepards hooks and spray them with Pam--them they can't crawl up!!!
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