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Everything posted by tbird

  1. Last time I was in that shopping center--it has closed down!! Just the tanning place is open.
  2. Yeah, but my friend in PCB said she only saw the sun one day out of a week and a half--this last week. She said she was beginning to feel like she was back in GA!! Our weather was better than theirs the last couple of weeks. She said it has been so foggy, that she could walk down the to beach--but then you could not even see the water for the fog--unless you walked right down to it. But they did have a hell of a Mardis Gras celebration!!!
  3. Not really. You will find that their produce is a VERY GOOD PRICE. I venture to the one behind Cumberland at least once a week and pick up bell peppers and such. I have getting the 3 pack of colored peppers for less than $2.00!!!
  4. FYI folks--the Couey's still own the rinks and always have. Just not the same ones that own Dazzles. The original owners were brothers and the are both deceased now and their kids run the rinks (except for Dazzles---and the former manager took over the complete running of it from Carl several years ago and still has it).
  5. A family friendly place that is abou to start serving alcohol!! Yep--already have it at the Kennesaw location. Just wait.
  6. I will just stick to my Aldi store in Smyrna. Seems like everytime something new opens around here--you can't find crap in it. Some folks have no control whatsoever.
  7. Anything over an ounce is a felony--and it was probably possession with intent to distribute at that point. You can always search online and hopefully find something. Cobb County has all their Superior Court stuff online and then you can go to the Department of Corrections and look there.
  8. If he has been out for a few months, maybe he has been staying with family and saving his money. Maybe his family has money and has give him some to start over??? I have seen that happen many times--and I could name you a few here in PC.
  9. They are great attorneys!!! Some of there associate attorneys have changed in the last few years, but the partners are awesome attorneys. And I have found that an awesome partner will only hire an awesome associate attorney!!! I have known several associate attorneys to get fired after several months because they weren't as tough as the partners wanted.
  10. Most criminal cases are a flat fee--unless you decide to take it to trial. Sorry, all my criminal attorney friends are in Cobb, except for the guys at Perrotta, Cahn and Prieto. They have an office in Dallas and are great folks!!
  11. I have read several of her books and they have been quiet good. She writes alot like Janet Evonovich and all the Plum series. Agnes and the Hitman was the first one of hers that I read several years ago--one of those LOL books!!
  12. I have got over 100 books on my Kindle, most of them free. I have been hung up on a Rough Riders series--cannot put it down!! Cowboys !!!
  13. If you can do the legal paperwork yourself, it should only cost the filing fee--which probably differs county to county.
  14. Dang--I just love you!!! We sooooo agree on stuff!! I think folks need to start reporting her to the Sheriff's Dept. everytime she tries this crap. I am not against helping anybody at all, but sure as heck am not going to help somebody buy their darned lottery tickets. Heck--I can't afford to buy them for myself--so why help her???
  15. I don't get them half the time. Some days, I get 5-10 and then for a few days, I get nothing.
  16. Exactly. We try to tell folks that they need to be out of the house by the foreclosure date. You know--they have already been living there for months and months for free--why push there luck???
  17. I remember Mr. Barber living there. I grew up (and still live) right down the road. Sure do wish that things were like they used to be!!
  18. Some mortgage companies will file it immediately and others wait. There is no rhyme or reason with it at all. Just like some mortgage companies will foreclose at 4 months late and others will wait a year or two. And the same mortgage company never does the same thing!!!
  19. I did not hear all of it, but there was an entrapment and they were trying to extricate. Got busy and didn't hear anything else.
  20. There are some threads from the past on it. Just search Pearson and I think you will find them.
  21. And all this time, he and his wife are chilling in their 1+ million dollar home in FL. I actually saw the home as it was being built and it was tacky as crap. Have seen pics of the inside and it is evan tackier. What's the old saying--money can't buy you class??? And the funny thing is that they have this huge mansion over looking the gulf, with a beautiful pool and they don't even like the sun!!! Neither one of them go out in it and she preaches to you about being in the sun--go figure. it is all a status thing to them.
  22. http://www.mdjonline.com/view/full_story/17370908/article-Marietta-attorneys-help-win--75-4M-judgment?instance=home_news_bullets Basically, Pearson sued Delta Community Credit Union because they stopped him from using a line of credit and caused him a deal down in PCB. Of course, he has Roy Barnes on his side. I do agree with the Barnes/Flourney issue. I think that Judge Flourney should step out of anything like that - especially that big of a case. I have always liked Judge Flourney and his brother Matt (also an attorney in Marietta), but I certainly don't agree with all of this. I ho
  23. I worked on the C5B program at Lockheed. It is a beautiful airplane and you never can imagine the size of it until you are standing next to it. I just love how it has that hum to it as it is flying. Back in the day, that was the main way to tell it from the C140 in the air, because they look so much alike (only the C5 is much bigger). In the air, they look the same.
  24. I wonder if anybody from the county will be there??
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