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Everything posted by cmorg

  1. Glad they didn't name him Johnny.
  2. Yeah, but they don't have the World of Coke.
  3. Never heard that. Unless that's talking about a hooker.
  4. I think fire might hurt your boobs too. You need to find a happy medium.. like warm hands.
  5. Love that!! And you are right. Sure, there needs to be compromise in some areas... and if you decide to go to bed at the same time for a specific reason.. fine. But if I went to bed when the wife did.. just for the sake of going because she is... I'd be laying there forever. Sometimes it syncs up, sometimes it doesn't.
  6. Holy crap! Here, we all go to bed when we are ready or when we have to... not when the other decides it's time.
  7. Stupid snow? It wasn't snow poo, it was dog poo. So.. stupid dog. Dogs should use the toilet like all the other animals in the animal kingdom.
  8. We have a fire going... kind of. And the closest I came to playing in the snow was raking a bunch of it onto the girl as we were going into kohls.
  9. Glad you made it safe. I've made it to Kennesaw safely many times over the years. I mean, depending on how you go, there is that one bad part of town on Stilesboro, but we just keep moving... and keep the doors locked.
  10. Didn't go into any store after about 5. Publix was packed.. both times I went. Got a Christmas village and extras from Home Depot for half price. Already craving some fast food.
  11. I think walmart is open til midnight... You can get beer and wine, aka: the boring drinks.
  12. Reality? Riiiight. My wish to Santa was to consolidate all of your threads into one. That hasn't happened, so I am doubting Santa.
  13. Love it! These so-called "elites" can all go to hell. A special thanks for all of our service members who can't be with their families this Christmas. I have been there before and I know how bad it sucks!
  14. Cool, huh? And we wrap everything here... the things we buy or make, anyway.
  15. As long as we get between some and a little, I'll be happy. I'll probably be happy even without any snow.. but you know what I mean.
  16. The crowds are certainly getting bigger. The longer I was out, the worse it got. But I managed to get the cookies and I had some Chick-fil-a before it was too late.
  17. Electronics... gotta get electronic things. Doesn't matter what. Yes you do. Chocolate goes with chocolate. It doesn't go with orange.. and it doesn't go with mint, contrary to popular belief. And you know what... chocolate doesn't go with pretzles either. There.. I said it. It's out there.
  18. Uh.. hells no! If they don't really like them, rush out and get something they do like. Maybe start a new slim jim tradition. Or orange tic tacs.
  19. I have to get some stuff and a few things... as well as various do-dads. I figure I can be done by about 6.. if I get started at 7 or 8 in the morning.
  20. It is officially Christmas Eve now... Anyone still have shopping to do? My goal is to buy everything I need to buy today. I think it's way more fun than getting them all through the year.. or even over the past couple of weeks. Either do it all on Christmas Eve or die trying!! Who's with me??
  21. There is nothing at all that they have not messed up (at least once) through the years. This isn't a feel good thread. Yeah, we love our kids no matter what....and always will.. blah blah blah. That doesn't change the fact that they have effed shiiit up through the years. So...
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