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Everything posted by cmorg

  1. I believe that's what all secretaries/administrative assistants think.
  2. Don't take his bait. You know the liberal opinion of Bush claiming to listen to what God wants him to do and it doesn't square with throwing out bible verses to defend the liberal position. This is simply a ploy to get one of us to frame this as a Christian vs Islam thing, as opposed to a good vs evil thing. Let his hypocrisy stand by itself.
  3. It's interesting that you would say that, yet you have been judging America this entire thread. It's also interesting how a liberal refers to the bible when it serves their purpose.
  4. Wait . . . Are you talking about going without the baby?
  5. Include the cost of care in their fines/punishment. If a clean shot is available it should be taken as long as the general area is considered and the vehicle can't hurt others.
  6. That may be, but what's important to note is that the Facebook pages of Americans from early settlement through the days of the goldrush were all about hating Indians. And it didn't stop there - after the Indians, white Americans in the South started using their Facebook pages (as early as 1856) to stir up hatred for the North and to perpetuate the idea that blacks were inferior and to promote slavery. So this guy's Facebook page doesn't mean much, because we are just as guilty of spreading hate on our Facebook pages throughout history.
  7. We have been drumming up the hate? The only thing we need to do is report and/or relay the stories of the actions of Muslim extremists. No drumming necessary. However, once again you try to temper the feelings of those who want to destroy those who would do us harm by referring to past actions, as if to say "who are we to say . . . look what we did." You try to make us believe you have such a vast knowledge of history, but it is more than apparent that your history consists only of the biased version where everything we as a nation have done is terrible. It seems that you u
  8. And this is really creepy too . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2vBJt1iG60
  9. But people of today can take the failures of yesterday and make them work, at least that's what they believe.
  10. Yes, I believe so. Be that as it may, this is just creepy . . .
  11. A good professor would have made a permanent glue. Nuff said.
  12. I thought so. They have done great so far, and maybe this will motivate them and they will come out stronger next week.
  13. This same thought came to me today. Evidently, the professor isn't as smart as we are supposed to believe. The boat was damaged and beached - but there was no effort, to my recollection, to take the motors and put on a raft of some sort; nor was there any effort to make some type of glue/tar to make repairs and seal the boat. Coincidentally, I heard on the radio that today is the 50th anniversary of the debut of Gilligan's Island.
  14. Ties suck. I blame the French - Une bande de connards!
  15. Is this a jukebox now? D 11 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qk_6b8aBuo0
  16. Again, I have to ask why you find it necessary to defend the actions of extremists by giving examples of past extremists. Not by chance, most of your references are about how bad the white man was (is?) and I feel that it must come from your deep seated guilt. The peace-loving Muslim, follower of Allah, the one true God and his prophet, Mohammad, that hacked the head of an old lady today is a problem and the extremists in that religion that promote such a thing are a problem and this has nothing to do with old white men hating blacks. So get over it - seek forgiveness from those yo
  17. I am reminded of the Viso-Goths for some reason. The above taken from The History Channel at this LINK
  18. Then this is for you . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ac1OvqiZmh0 I know. It must be that you are aware that "relief" is so near.
  19. Ok . . . 1. Can't sing and you're ugly? Sorry to hear that. 2. DVRs are great and terrible. Great so I can watch what I want, when I want; terrible because I know I can watch what I want, when I want - and I never get around to it. 3. Who? 4. Gilligans Island was on in the recent past - it was called Lost 5. Because they don't get paid enough.
  20. To be perfectly clear: I did not - nor have I ever - invaded your dreams. Just want the people to know. And that brings up another thought . . . In days past, like you mentioned, if we missed "our shows", we missed them - there was no DVR so we could watch it later. People today have it so good, and that's probably part of the problem.
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