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Everything posted by cmorg

  1. Guess I can set the DVR. Or request a written transcript of the show.
  2. We need a couple of good zombie shows on the prime time line up.
  3. Well, in my honesty, I will have to let you down. I originally said "..spice of like", instead of ".. spice of life". Of course, on my keyboard the F and the K are side by side... thanks to a stupid squirrel that tried taking all my keys... and I had to stick them all back on.
  4. I have voted twice. But what difference does it make if we win? I will be sitting in the traffice after the game and will miss the news... and I am talking about the replay sat morn.
  5. Paprika is the spice of life, just so you know. I can count on one finger the times I have been on the recent topics page... and that was an accident.
  6. Who wants to go there?? I am a very lazy person... I want all my stuff in one place. Or maybe two, if I am in the mood for the politico.
  7. I thought we were having a discussion about restroom shoe phobias at the movies?? No? Yes? No?
  8. cmorg


    That's a lot of talking. I think I might be up to about 57 now.
  9. Why do people read the title and feel the need to post things like that??? Unless of course they're from the 2¢ Tribe.
  10. You may have hit the nail on the head. Perhaps we need to teach our kids at what age it is ok to kill.
  11. I thought everyone knew a crack ho. No? Just me?
  12. Little girls should not be wearing "purdy" underwear.
  13. I would if I was a crack ho.
  14. cmorg


    I didn't know you were a smoker, Sixpack.
  15. You do know that Les only likes guys... don't you?
  16. I think this whole story about us having a moon is just a conspiracy theory anyway, that we really don't have a moon. I know I didn't/can't see it.
  17. cmorg

    32 Users?

    It's all good! I guess we can't help it if they want to send things away just when they stand the chance of becoming interesting.
  18. cmorg

    32 Users?

    Paulding Place... where good threads go to die. How sad, how very sad.
  19. cmorg

    32 Users?

    Way to get us kicked out of normal land!!! Dagnabit!!
  20. cmorg

    32 Users?

    Perhaps I shouldn't. Don't wanna get everyone worked up.. and don't wanna get kicked off the board.
  21. cmorg

    32 Users?

    Ok. Might be fun... But not what I was thinking.
  22. I sea nuthing rong with ani uv that.
  23. cmorg

    32 Users?

    Ok. I was kind of hoping for a detailed explanation of how one becomes slippery... But I guess that today isn't my day!
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