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Posts posted by Bumplett

  1. I want to be cremated - & I asked my hubby to roll me up & smoke me ~ so every time he coughs, he'll think of me :D




    as for the "at home" idea, as long as the deceased is contained in an urn, fine by me :) I'd rather enjoy being barefoot & in my pj's during the funeral ;)

  2. Just got back from church and WE ARE IN THE GREEN!!!! Check it out now!!! Hope everyone on p.com is having a blessed day!!!! Oh by the way---sorry if I lost it last week---was rather a VERY trying time. Someone wrote us a check for $1260.00 that wasn't good....for us that is alot of money and puts alot of stress on us....didn't mean to take it out on ANYONE!!!!! You'd be upset to if it were you and your family that it affected.





    yes, I'd be very upset over a bad check of any amount - but I wouldn't specifically call out names of people that had NOTHING to do with said check, OR those that had NOTHING negative to say about you or to you until now. :glare:

  3. I always wondered about the "coke" thing ~ it seems so odd for someone to call every drink a "coke" - what if it's a diet pepsi? is it still a coke? or what if it's sunkist? is sunkist a coke?




    oops, that was a hi-jack... ::hanging my head in shame::

  4. or pull over and stop? :ph34r:




    :lol: :lol:




    Initially, the thread was about exaggerating the "goodness" of a person.

    I think someone mentioned "when someone dies, they all the sudden become a saint".



    I agree, one's "goodness" should not be exaggerated - but then again, that was my point, why would I allow myself to be put in the position to openly voice an opinion of the deceased if the deceased was a POS? Unless of course, I wanted to voice that he/she was a POS?

  5. oh oh oh - since we're talking about the East Paulding area: anyone else notice the CHAIR in the large open lot by Ivy Gulledge? :blink:


    so sad, my son and I have watched that poor thing decompose as time goes on :(

  6. Not in the middle of the road, but along the sides -



    Hubby & I adopted a mile a few years ago ~ the first adventure in cleaning up that mile was, by far, one of the nastiest experiences of my life ~


    We found several needles/syringes, socks, condoms, a pair of ladies underwear, an XXX magazine, as well as other novelties ::gag::


    This was one case where adoption was NOT for me :blink:

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