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Posts posted by Bumplett

  1. Welcome tdlangley! :)


    What kinds of non-food items do you need? Laundry detergent? Bathroom toiletries?


    Hmmmmmm, homemade candies? What kind of ingredients would you need? Would you be willing to sell them to those of us with a sweet tooth? :)



    Or to those of us that can't cook - or shouldn't cook! ((just ask my kids))


    ::hangs head in shame::



  2. Anything will be fine. Thank you so much for your kindness.




    I know it's difficult to ask for help, and even more difficult when someone puts you in such a position of having to voice a request - I do apologize for that - but I would feel better knowing that you were getting groceries that you would enjoy as well as needed.


    so, please, don't be shy in a request for anything specific - I know what it's like to live off ramen noodles and I'd prefer lobster any day :D

  3. WOW!! that's a whole lotta shipping $$ - but then again, that's a fagile item - WTG!!!! :D Only 14 hours left! Are you going to stay up all night to watch? :p

  4. Very cool! I'm excited for you!!


    My favorite is watching the last few minutes of an auction ~ that's EXCITING :D


    I haven't sold anything in awhile, but I'll jump back in eventually



    willing to share your ebay name with us so we can peek??

  5. Maybe there is a possibility we could arrange for a male pcommer to take Thomas over to Helping Hands. Not only do they assist for food, but they can also help with small bills. I'd also love to see where he could arrange to see the attorney Madea suggested.
    Ooohhhhhh Frooooooooggie ~~~~~~~~ where arrrrrre yooooooouuu ;)
    Yes, it could be-but sorry to say many have been turned in that ARE abusing the system. And you're required to report any changes in income to the system immediately. They ask things like what type of car you drive and what year. They ask things like what assets you have and mroe and make a determination on what type help they can provide. Too many 'forget' or lie. BUT, this is about this poor guy that needs help, so we probably shouldn't talk about this in this thread anymore! :unsure:
    :lol: probably right, but since when did that stop anyone from hijacking a thread? :lol: ((we'll have to start a new thread I suppose)) ^_^
  6. You wouldn't believe the amount of people abusing welfare/Medicaid, and other assistance programs. Seriously. Folks drive up to say a dentist office in a brand new lexus, talking on an expensive cell phone, wearing total designer labels and then file with medicaid. They 'forgot' to mention that their income had dramatically changed at some point or else they flat out lied. Happens all the dang time. Yes. I would judge their honesty. Too many crappy people out there who lie about stuff like that.







    yes, there ARE people that take advantage of the system and of others - without a doubt, these people DO exist, BUT




    Could it be that the well dressed woman driving that new lexus was just laid off?

    could it be that lexus is PAID FOR?

    could it be that she has nice clothes hanging in her closet because she got lucky at a yard sale?


    could it be that the woman in front of you in the grocery store using WIC vouchers feels far more emabarrased than proud?

    could it be that some people take pride in how they look/dress when they go out in public?


    could it be that baby is wearing hand-me down baby Gap?

  7. I may be the minority here (as usual) but I wouldn't have thought twice about them. Some people just talk that way. My sister for one. She drops the F-Bomb in every other sentence. She naturally speaks loud even when she's not upset. Unless I saw him strike her I wouldn't have done anything or thought about them after leaving the parking lot.



    I agree with you on this one vee ~




    I've called 911 more than once on this-beating a child all over is abuse. Period.



    :huh: you must be reading a completely different screen as the rest of us LL ~ :huh:

  8. We always have questions about vouchers and recipients.(ex. things they say, car they drive, clothes they wear to the store), but we must remember to do our job and let God do his. We can apply this all areas of our life. Though my ministry I do that everyday.



    :( so sad that anyone would judge someone's honesty by the car they drive or the clothes they wear :(

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