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Posts posted by Bumplett

  1. people that cannot take responsibility for their own actions (or inactions) and blame their "plight" on the rest of the world - aka: the "ohhhh whoaaa is me" syndrome.



  2. Can we get a video of you getting your arse kicked and coughing up the scarf cuz if you do it wrong, that woman is gonna eat you for lunch! :lol:



    why Misty, I don't have the faintest idea of what you are referring to :huh: ~ :ph34r:

  3. Do you :wub: have any blue or orange yarn???? :ph34r: Or....Would you :wub: like for me to drop some by your home? If you :wub: are willing to crochet for her and deliver to her a bonifide orange and blue stripped neck scarf for the Winter, I'd be more than happy to drop off 10 cases of cat food at the Shelter. I'll go with you if "yer skerred"! :lol: :p




    I'm going to shop for some blue & orange yarn ~ Anybody have a Micheal's coupon??



  4. I guess I'm the only Paulding resident that has never seen Miss Jessie









    I guess you are :huh:



    don't worry, borrow someone's white car, then she'll find you :D

  5. I'm not trying to start an argument. I just don't think it is fair to talk about someone in such a way when you don't know them and don't know what they have gone through. Yes..i am assuming that most of you don't kmow her because if you did there is no way you could talk about her like this.

    That's just my opinion though. :p


    Oh, I know her - and I think it's very fair to talk about how she endangers the lives of travelers on 278 & 92 every time she is out making a scene - -_-



    Is that the Black lady, about 50 - 60 years of age, with a shopping cart all the time? I once offered her a few hundred dollars because I thought she was homeless; and she got really offended and we had to drive away as she was spooling up to go postal on my family and I. What a nutjob!



    Yes, that would be the one.

  6. saw her in Walmart on Saturday afternoon "expressing" her thoughts verbally. Of course she was expressing them to herself as she walked through the isles at walmart. She scared this little boy half to death...he bumped her buggy and she said something to him and lunged at him...he took off running the other way...poor kid.



    wow - and mom of poor kid didn't beat the hell out of her??


    I'm surprised.

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