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Posts posted by Bumplett

  1. So why exactly did you need to replace your old headboard?


    Is the sheetrock behind the headboard in the photo all smashed in and beaten up?



    no silly, that's just where the screw eyes bolt into the wall.









    the headboard/door looks beautiful! :)

  2. :lol:


    Bjork's just one of those people that make you go "hmmm.... wtf??" :blink: :wub:





    ok, so I've got one more:


    Is it just me, or could you strangle the moron that drives 10mph UNDER the freakin' speed limit because there's a police car behind him????? Aghhh!!!! Wouldn't you think you're giving the police MORE of a reason to pull your stupid ass over??? Geez!



    ((can you tell I left the house))


    ok, I feel better now - thank you. :)

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