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Posts posted by Bumplett

  1. I can't do anything if you have no compassion for your fellow man.


    Obviously the driver yesterday had your same heart.



    get a grip FB ~ you make it out like the driver wasn't compassionate, did you consider the idea that maybe he told someone in passing the next day because it was still bothering him??


    I was simply asking you to explain what homeland security has to do with someone's bad choice of childcare??


    If you can't answer the question - back off, I don't need the snide comments <_<


    By the way, My heart's just fine. :rolleyes:

  2. Yep, but I havent' noticed any difference :( I just kept smoking away the nausea :D


    I do believe there are 3 or 4 p.commers currently using Chantix. :)


    surely they are kidding :huh:

    for their sake, I hope so -_-


    uhh....wtf?Is it "quit smoking week" and no one told me? cause I just bought a new pack when I was at the sto' today


    ok, you can be a few days behind us :) if you're ready..... ^_^

  3. :rolleyes:



    alright - so I've now made it through day ONE of not smoking - and I'll be honest - I could literally rip someone's eyeballs out with my bare hands :mellow: Please tell me this would be a normal emotional experience to nicotine withdrawal. :mellow:


    I've never been so irritated by so many threads at the same time in my p.com life. I can't believe the things people will bitch and moan about!



    that is all, for anymore would only get me in trouble :ph34r:







  4. Best I can make out on this one - FedEx driver was at the location yesterday and saw that the kids were home alone. Driver must have, in passing, made a comment about the situation to another employee this morning, who must have a little more concern for others, decided to call the SO.


    I thought that as part of homeland security measures all drivers, such as this FedEx driver, were requested to call in suspicious activities. Certainly, this would make a good case for calling in for a check yesterday.




    I truly fail to see how this is in any way, shape or form the responsibility of the fedex employee?!!!


    homeland security has nothing to do with this story?? I guess I just don't see where on earth you are going with this post - ???



  5. alot of what you said has been addressed and isn't really a problem for us. Thank you though



    I thought you said that there was only one picture online?


    I searched for a year or so before finding this house, and even though you are frustrated, just remember that buyers have every right to be picky :) A house is by far the largest investment of our lives! (for most people)


    good luck.

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