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Posts posted by Bumplett

  1. Its a great country that we live in that allows us so many freedoms....and the right to agree or disagree with many of them. We protect the rights of those who choose to fly our great flag but also protect the rights of those who choose to burn it.


    Although I personally would like to see each adult member of the man boy love club casterated, that will never happen in the USA.



    true, because they have RIGHTS.



  2. Don't forget to take a flyer into the Petro station on Dallas/Acworth, across from BoBo Rd. - they have a wall beside the door that you can tack a flyer to.


    This store gets alot of traffic, so you may get lucky with some info.



    also, have you posted a missing ad on craigslist? (you can also post a photo) ((if you have trouble, you can PM joflo for help, she's a pro with the craigslist site!))

  3. I agree wholeheartedly with TBAR in regard to the protection of the first amendment in regard to this.


    In doing so, I also agree that people have the absolute right to vote with their feet. Hence, the choice to announce your intention to boycott Amazon for this reason is also absolutely a protected form of speech and you can express your opinion that it ought to be banned.


    However, while I'll defend your right to boycott Amazon and encourage others to do so, I will rebuke you if you say that no one should be allowed to publish or distribute the books, magazines or essays.


    The point at issue here is not the right of people to say, "I won't do business with you if you do that" ... but rather the idea that they would organize to compel the government to force no one to do business with them. Your choice to boycott restricts no one's freedom as you are exercising your freedom of choice to buy from them or not. They, and I think rightly, assert the right to distribute all that is legal to publish and they have that freedom.


    It is only when you try to bring the coersive power of government into the equation -- the banning of the books -- that freedom suffers. I stand for freedom and I encourage everyone else to do the same.




    point taken, sir ~ and I, of all people, do respect my freedoms including my freedom of speech ~ but at what point do you draw a line between a 'freedom' and 'exploitation' ?


    do we not have the laws in place to protect our children from becoming a 2 page centerfold spread?

  4. Are you sure you wanna say that? I mean, being Baptist was illegal at one time in the US. So was women's suffrage. The right to speak even about illegal activities is still a basic freedom. We don't limit the right to =speak= to an issue.



    with all due respect TBAR, there is a difference in promoting/educating/encouraging illegal activity and speaking of it.

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