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Posts posted by Bumplett

  1. Alrighty then - IF anyone can guess correctly ..............................


    I'll send ya a bullet ..................


    But not the type that Pubby uses :ph34r:











    ((two of my fellow p.commers are exempt from guessing - and they know who they are))



    Probably the outside of the hamburger you ate for lunch! :p (Dern...I didn't read the details when I placed my bid!) :huh:




    Dang - so that doesn't get me out of it huh? <_< :p

  2. so - here's the plan -


    I'll give my brother the cheap bride (as long as the OP didn't get her first :glare: )


    then, I'll pay off my brother to get her back -


    then adopt her as my kid -


    and I still come out $1,000s less than old fashioned adoption!





    yep, that should work!

  3. hey hey bump ... ive missed ya being around lady !



    :wub: thanks kel ~


    Clawdia had to dig me out of my hole ~ it was a long, exhausting process for her, but she finally succeeded -_- -



    so - I think I'll get my brother a wife for Christmas .... what 'cha think??

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