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Everything posted by primus

  1. My printing was fine then today I tried to print a label and now nothing will print right. It prints up in the left hand corner and only part of the page and that's it. I have tried setting shrink to fit page and I just can't figure it out lol. It's not my printer so how do I change my printing settings? It's printing like this:
  2. I got THREE pillow pets off of Amazon for $29 including shipping !!! I got a dog, panda, and turtle
  3. It was very beautiful and she would have been so proud. It was a very emotional day for everyone. Prayers still being said I forgot to add that I don't know if anyone else noticed but there was a man standing in his yard as we were on the way to the grave site service and he stood there with is hat off and across his heart as we passed by.
  4. I haven't heard back from you and wasn't sure if you received my messages. I was needing to know where to meet up with you for the Dora Kitchen. Thanks Desirea
  5. Jennifer had a beautiful service and will be missed. Love and prayers for the family!
  6. This sounds interesting I might have to try this one. Thanks
  7. LOL Sorry that was funny We don't put nuts in ours.
  8. What are your Thanksgiving dishes or snacks? I'm needing some new ideas.
  9. I've had mine out about 7 yrs ago and just recently this year have had acid reflux but that's it. I hope you figure out what's wrong. Des
  10. Jennifer we will all miss you very much! R.I.P love you!
  11. I am shocked as well I am friends with the Chastain's and have gone to school with them as well. I'm sorry for your loss and Jennifer will be dearly missed by all. She was such an amazing person. Prayers for all. R.I.P Jennifer Desirea
  12. So what Subdivisions are t-or-t tonight??
  13. The only thing we seen in dallas was the local church trunk-or-treat The kiddos got 5 pieces of candy, bag a crackers and a glove of popcorn. Are they t-or-t down the road as well??
  14. Here is my baby girl Sorry it took so long, here is all 3 of my lil ones
  15. Thank is really cool. My kiddos would love to do that
  16. Got mine from Wal-mart this morning for $3.48 each
  17. AW they are beautiful, Happy Anniversary to the both of you
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