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Posts posted by JBrigman

  1. I would not suggest allowing a 7 week old kitten to live loose in your entire house or this is bound to happen. A small space for a small kitty is all that's needed and more space comes with time and trust. So lock her in area or room of your house, if possible where her litterbox is going to stay so you don't change things up on her later on. Also 1 box per cat and per level of your home is ideal. You can also try Feliway, but I don't think it is a behavioral issue with such a young kitten, as it is just got busy sleeping, playing, eating, etc. and went when he/she remembered she had to go no matter where she was.

  2. You can get a huge soda at Quik Trip or RaceTrak for less than $1.... don't think they have tea :sorry: .


    I'll have to pass on going in anywhere with 3 kids and have to carry the drinks out. Drive Thru!

  3. Do you know what kind of cat Tilly is? With the blue eyes and markings it looks like a Rag Doll....Is Tilly male or female, how old is Tilly? Has Tilly had shots, declawed or fixed? Thanks = Pam


    She is a blue point Siamese mix. Ragdolls/mixes always must have long hair.

  4. It received a surge, it did it's job and now it has to be replaced. The buzzing is an alarm letting you know this. These usually have a lifetime, 5 or 10 year warranty depending on the model and their should be a # on the back of it to try and get a replacement.

  5. Why people must add their 2 cents when they don't have all the facts really just baffles me.


    For the record, not only did I use our microchip scanner, I took them to the shelter to scan them with their scanner, took their photo, filed a found report and looked through the last month's worth of lost reports. In addition to driving around looking for lost signs in their area they were found.


    And is she hadn't have been spayed, she would have probably died the next time she was impregnated due to having a large uterus/pyometra.


    Thanks to the folks who actually get it and have sent their kind words. Sending those 2 little dogs back to their irresponsible owners today to continue their live living on someone's front porch has really taken a tole on me today. So in my opinion, this topic is SO OVER.

  6. Unfortunately, the dogs had to be returned to their rightful owner BECAUSE any animal must go through a county animal control shelter for 72 before an owner has reliquished their legal rights of ownership. Of course I knew this, but I also felt the dogs to be in such bad shape that is was highly unlikely they had a home and they needed my help.


    This is exactly why we don't help people that contact us to place strays. Of course their are exceptions, such as a 2 day old kitten in the bushes or a stray someone has had in their possession for 6 months. This is why we don't help people who post they found a stray or contact us and ask us to take in a stray, we always have to think it might have a home. Not only were we not offered reimbursement for the vet work done, but we were yelled at for doing such a horrible thing and altering their animals.


    The moral of the story is if you find a stray animal...take it to animal control.

  7. One of them should have someone coming for it on Saturday morning, but they other one has your name written all over it! They are brother and sister! They'll be at Petsmart this coming Saturday morning at 11:00 a.m.


    ETA: They are way cuter than their photo, the meter reader asked if they were baby hyenas last week!

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