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Posts posted by JBrigman

  1. Flies seem to like some dogs, but others not so much. Just about any of those sprays work and usuallu once a day despite what they say does the trick. We have a Mastiff right now that the flies love but as long as she's sprayed every morning she's fine. And they like her whole body, but just the ears, I guess she's a big target. You can also get some white pastey stuff that works well but I hate it because you have to touch it. Vaseline is usually effective too and cheap -- $1.00 store.

  2. Advantage works the fastest at killing fleas (excluding Capstar of course). Frontline is needed though if you also have a tick problem. We only use Revolution for other problems, such as ear mites, scabies, possible skin problems, etc. But Revolution has been know not to always work.

  3. Hands down my favorite drivable vacation spot is the beach/FL, but more than 4 hours away.


    So second best is definately Chattanooga, but not when it's so hot out! We usually go on my hubby's 2 days off and priceline a hotel for 1 night. Go to the places listed above plus some like the Discovery Museum. But I've done it all in the scorching hot sun and it's pretty miserable.

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