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Posts posted by JBrigman

  1. In most dogs you don't even see a difference, others can be lethargic and loose their appetite for weeks. It varies. But usually is unnoticeable. You do know there are different ways of doing it and I definately suggest the 1 time treatment, which lasts 2 days, they get 1 shot the 1st day and the 2nd shot the 2nd day and nothing more. It's called a fast kill. Very effective and the only important thing is to keep them crated, with leash walks only or in a small room for the 1st 6 weeks after.

  2. Surely someone on here knows how to get in touch with her. She has our adoptions signs and we need her to get them back. Please someone ask her to contact me ASAP.

  3. I certainly didn't mean for the owner to feel their situation is hopeless. However if the owner wants to help her dog, step # 1 is neutering and still if she wants to rehome him, certain things should be done, such as ensuring the new family uses a mobile and understand they can basically take their dog no where, no walks in the neighborhood, no trips to the park. Honestly, who really wants to adopt a dog with these issues. Now already owning a dog that you already love with these issues is one thing, of course a normal pet owner deals with the good and the bad and make it work. But typically no one is going to step into such issues. I personally do not deal with animal or people aggression issues and we don't take dogs with either due to legality issues and the near impossible chances of them being adopted.

  4. Just because you have a certain breed of dog doesn't necissarily mean you have to place it with a breed specific rescue. In fact, many times, purebred Rescues won't take one of their purebreds unless it's young and perfect. Of course there are exceptions. I don't know of a local cocker rescue, but by going to petfinder.com, it should show you the closest one to you by your zip code.


    Good luck!

  5. I think I'd tell her they were having sex, as 2 people that love one another do and then ask if she wants to hear more, because that will probably be enough (FOR NOW)!


    And I'd probably educate the love birds on door locks with kids in the house. It could be worse, MeMe could have walking in!

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